sheaf Namespace Reference

Namespace for the sheaves component of the sheaf system. More...


class  abstract_poset_member
 An abstract client handle for a member of a poset. More...
class  abstract_poset_member_row_dofs_type
 Row dofs type for class abstract_poset_member. More...
class  abstract_poset_member_table_dofs_type
 Table dofs type for class abstract_poset_member. More...
class  abstract_product_structure
 An abstract class that defines the product structure for an id space. More...
class  any
 Abstract base class with useful features for all objects. More...
class  arg_list
 A whitespace separated list of arguments. Insertion operaters are used to insert arguments into the list. C++ strings are treated as string literals. The value of the string is inserted into arg_list. More...
class  array_implicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of implicit_index_space_iterator for an implicit id space in an array_index_space_interval. The equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in an array. More...
class  array_index_space_handle
 An array implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are positive and dense, that is, the domain ids are in the domain (~0, ~end()) and hence the id to hub id map can be efficiently stored in an array. In particular it is intended for id spaces used to index arrays, in which case the ids are in the domain [0, end()). More...
class  array_index_space_interval
 An implementation of index_space_interval for an interval of implicit id spaces in which the hub ids are stored in a two dimensional array. More...
class  array_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space in which the equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in an array. More...
class  array_index_space_state
 An array implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_state. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are positive and dense, that is, the domain ids are in the domain (~0, ~end()) and hence the id to hub id map can be efficiently stored in an array. In particular it is intended for id spaces used to index arrays, in which case the ids are in the domain [0, end()). More...
class  array_poset_dof_map
 An array representation of abstract class poset_dof_map. More...
class  attributes_record
 An abstract wrapper/adapter for attributes records. Intended for transferring data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  attributes_record_set
 A record set for storing various poset attributes. More...
class  auto_block
 A contiguously allocated array of items of type T with size information and automatic resizing. More...
class  binary_index_block
 A block which can be accessed using two indices, similarly to a two index array. More...
class  biorder_iterator
 Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes the PREVISIT_ACTION and the POSTVISIT_ACTION to the client. More...
class  biorder_itr
 Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes the PREVISIT_ACTION and the POSTVISIT_ACTION to the client. More...
class  block
 An auto_block with a no-initialization initialization policy. More...
class  constant_implicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of implicit_index_space_iterator for an implicit id space in an constant_index_space_interval. More...
class  constant_index_space_interval
 An implementation of index_space_interval for an interval of implicit id spaces with a single id and in which the hub ids can be calculated by an offset. More...
class  crg_interval
 Abstract emulator for an interval of cover relation graph members. More...
class  data_converter
 Function object to convert between internal and external data formats. More...
class  data_type_map
 A collection of data converters that map data types between internal and external representations. More...
class  depth_first_iterator
class  depth_first_itr
 The general depth-first iterator over the intersection of a poset member anchor's whole with its down set. Implemented as a finite state machine with a client selectable state transition function that can be chosen to provide various iteration orders.

The iterator returns control to the client so that the it can perform client-defined actions. There are three action types, the PREVISIT_ACTION, the POSTVISIT_ACTION, and the LINK_ACTION, each associated with specific positions in the iteration. The previsit position is immediately before iteration over the cover of the current member begins. The postvisit position is immediately after iteration over the cover ends. The link position is on the current link, immediately after the lesser end of the link has been visited and context has ascended to the current link. The link action thus immediately follows the postvisit action of the lesser member, but the context is different.

This iterator visits every link in the cover relation graph below the anchor of the iteration, maintaining a path to the current member. Conceptually, the path is a list of pointers to lower cover iterators. The current member of each iterator is a node in the path. Physically, the path is stored in two parts. _index is the head of the list. The tail of the list is stored in the variable _path. The current link in the graph is the link between the front of _path and _index, with _index being the lesser member of the link. More...
class  dof_descriptor_array
 An array for storing structs which describe the size, alignment, and offset of dofs within a dof tuple. More...
class  dof_map_factory
 A factory for creating dof maps. More...
class  dof_tuple_class_names_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof tuple class names record. Intended for transferring index-name map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  dof_tuple_col_bounds_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof tuple column bounds record. Intended for transferring index-bounds map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  dof_tuple_domain_offsets_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof tuple domain offsets record. Intended for transferring index-offsets map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  dof_tuple_record_set
 A record_set which contains dof tuple records. Supports both record selection and record restriction (partial records). More...
class  dof_tuple_schema_ids_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof tuple schema ids record. Intended for transferring index-id map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  dof_tuple_schema_versions_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof tuple schema versions record. Intended for transferring index-version map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  dof_tuple_types_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the dof type types record. Intended for transferring dof tuple type id data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  equivalence_compare_policy
 A stl_scoped_index comparison policy for equivalence comparison. More...
class  error_message
 A message to report error conditions. More...
class  explicit_crg_interval
 Implementation of crg_interval for explicit members of the poset. More...
class  explicit_index_space_collection
 An implementation of index_space_collection for a sparse collection of explicit id spaces. More...
class  explicit_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class index_space_handle for an explicit_index_space_state. More...
class  explicit_index_space_interval
 An implementation of index_space_interval for an interval of explicit id spaces. More...
class  explicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of class index_space_iterator for an explicit_index_space_state. More...
class  explicit_index_space_state
 An immutable abstract state for a space of alternate integer identifiers (aliases) for a subset of the hub set of integer identifiers. More...
class  factory
 A factory for instanting descendants of an abstract type T, given the class name of the descendant. Requires: virtual const string& T::class_name() the actual (descendant) class name of the prototype. virtual T* T::clone() virtual default constructor virtual bool is_initialized() true if instance is fully initialized. More...
class  factory_2
 A factory for instanting descendants of an abstract type T, given the class name of the descendant. Requires: virtual const string& T::class_name() the actual (descendant) class name of the prototype. virtual R T::clone() virtual default constructor virtual R T::clone(S& xarg) virtual constructor. More...
class  file_data_type_map
 A collection of data converters that map data types between internal and external representations associated with a specific file. More...
class  filtered_depth_first_iterator
class  filtered_depth_first_itr
 The general depth-first iterator over the intersection of a subposet filter with a directional (up or down) set of a poset member anchor. Implemented as a finite state machine with a client selectable state transition function that can be chosen to provide various iteration orders.

The iterator returns control to the client so that the it can perform client-defined actions. There are three action types, the PREVISIT_ACTION, the POSTVISIT_ACTION, and the LINK_ACTION, each associated with specific positions in the iteration. The previsit position is immediately before iteration over the cover of the current member begins. The postvisit position is immediately after iteration over the cover ends. The link position is on the current link, immediately after the lesser end of the link has been visited and context has ascended to the current link. The link action thus immediately follows the postvisit action of the lesser member, but the context is different.

This iterator visits every link in the cover relation graph above/below the anchor of the iteration, maintaining a path to the current member. Conceptually, the path is a list of pointers to lower cover iterators. The current member of each iterator is a node in the path. Physically, the path is stored in two parts. _index is the head of the list. The tail of the list is stored in the variable _path. The current link in the graph is the link between the front of _path and _index, with _index being the lesser member of the link. More...
class  filtered_depth_first_member_iterator
class  forwarding_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class index_space_handle for an forwarding_index_space_state. More...
class  gathered_insertion_index_space_handle
 A handle for a gathered_insertion_index_space_state. More...
class  gathered_insertion_index_space_state
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_state that supports gathered insertion of new members, that is, new members can only be inserted within the existing domain interval or at the end of it. More...
class  hash_index_space_handle
 An hash map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are possibly negative and are sparse, that is, end() is much greater than ct() and hence uses hash maps to represent both directions of the map. More...
class  hash_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space in which the equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in an hash. More...
class  hash_index_space_state
 An hash map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_state. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are possibly negative and are sparse, that is, end() is much greater than ct() and hence uses hash maps to represent both directions of the map. More...
class  hub_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class sum_index_space_handle that has a primary sum id space state. More...
class  hub_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space which is the sum of the primary id spaces. More...
class  id_block
 A block of ids all in the same id space. More...
class  id_space_names_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the id space names record. Intended for transferring id map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  ij_product_structure
 A 2D implementation of abstract_product_structure. More...
class  ijk_product_structure
 A 3D implementation of abstract_product_structure. More...
class  implicit_crg_interval
 Abstract implementation of crg_interval for an interval of implicit cover relation graph members. More...
class  implicit_entry_map
 A map in which the entries may be implicit. More...
class  implicit_entry_map_iterator
 An iterator over the entries in an implicit_entry_map. This iteration is NOT order preserving. More...
class  implicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of class index_space_iterator for id spaces that are implicitly represtented. More...
class  index_equivalence_class
 Data structure containing the id equivalence class for ab id space family. This class is used as a temporary data structured to be used by id equivalence iterator. This class consists of a block of lists. Each list has the equivalence id for the representive id in a given scope. More...
class  index_equivalence_iterator
 An iterator over members of an id equivalence class. More...
class  index_iterator
 Iterates over the subset of Zn defined by the characteristic function host(). More...
class  index_scope
 Default id map for objects of type scoped_index. A convenient and safe mechanism for managing scoped_index::default_scope(). More...
class  index_space_collection
 A collection of id space states. This is a virtual class with provides an interface for accessing the id space states via the collection's local indexing. More...
class  index_space_family
 Factory and container for a family of id spaces. More...
class  index_space_family_iterator
 An abstract iterator over the id spaces of a interval. More...
class  index_space_handle
 An abstract handle to a space of alternate integer identifiers (aliases) for a subset of a hub set of integer identifiers. More...
class  index_space_interval
 An implemenation of index_space_collection that adds an interface for the interval [begin(), end()) in the id space family. More...
class  index_space_interval_iterator
 An abstract iterator over the id spaces of a interval. More...
class  index_space_iterator
 An abstract iterator over the ids of an id space. More...
struct  index_traits
 Features describing T as an index type. More...
struct  index_traits< scoped_index >
 Features describing scoped_index as an index type. More...
class  int_set
 An STL set representation for a set of integers. More...
struct  interval
 Struct representing the closed interval [_begin, _end]. More...
class  interval_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle that has a interval id space state. More...
class  interval_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space in which the equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in intervals. More...
class  interval_index_space_record
 A record buffer for transferring file id id space data for the member record data set between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  interval_index_space_state
 An STL map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_state optimized to efficiently represent id spaces that consist of a collection of closed intervals [begin, end] in both the domain id space and the range id space. Each entry (domain_end, range_end) in the _to_domain map represents the end of a interval in the range id space. If the range interval is not mapped to an domain interval, domain_end is the invalid index value. _to_domain.lower_bound(i) returns the end of the interval containing i and, if domain_end is valid, pod(i) can be computed from i, range_end, and domain_end. More...
class  interval_set
 Set of integers optimized for when the integers are concentrated in closed intervals. More...
class  interval_set_iterator
 An iterator over the integers in an interval_set. More...
class  invalid_block_initialization_policy
 A auto_block initialization policy that initializes the values to invalid. More...
class  invalid_block_initialization_policy< double >
class  invalid_block_initialization_policy< float >
class  key_deep_size_policy
 Call deep_size on the key. More...
class  key_value_deep_size_policy
 Call deep_size on the key and the value. More...
class  lexographical_compare_policy
 A stl_scoped_index comparison policy for lexographical comparison. More...
class  linkorder_iterator
class  linkorder_itr
 Specialization of the general depth-first iterator which exposes the LINK_ACTION to the client. More...
class  list_index_space_handle
 An map implementation of class scattered_insertion_index_space_handle. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are positive and dense, that is, the domain ids are in the domain (~0, ~end()). This representation is optimized for sequential access and will have a linear asymptotic performance in both time and storage for random access lookup and insertion respectively. More...
class  list_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space in which the equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in a list. More...
class  list_index_space_state
 An list implementation of class gathered_insertion_index_space_state. This representation is intended to efficiently represent id spaces that are gathered, that is, the domain ids are in the domain [0, end()). This representation is optimized for sequential access and will have linear asymptotic performance in time for random access lookup and remove. More...
class  list_pool
 A reallocated pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either allocated or stored in a free list. The object allocated by the pool are tracked. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation for small numbers of objects. More...
class  map_record
 A record buffer for transferring file id map data for the member record data set between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  member_class_names_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the member class names record. Intended for transferring index-name map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  member_member_poset_bounds
 A poset bounds pair with lower and upper bounds each specified by a single member. More...
class  member_names_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the member names record. Intended for transferring index-name map data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  member_record
 A record buffer for transferring member data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  member_record_set
 A record_set containing records of type member_record. More...
class  name_multimap
 A partial multi-valued relation with total injective inverse between names and indices of type index_type. More...
class  namespace_poset
 The default name space; a poset which contains other posets as members. More...
class  namespace_poset_dof_map
 A map from schema poset member ids to dof values for namespace_poset members. More...
class  namespace_poset_member
 A client handle for a member of a namespace poset. More...
class  namespace_poset_schema
 The schema poset for the namespace. More...
struct  namespace_relative_member_index
 Index for identifying a poset member relative to a given name space. More...
struct  namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type
 POD type for namespace_relative_member_index. More...
class  namespace_relative_record_index
 Record index equivalent to namespace_relative_member_index and namespace_relative_subposet_index. More...
struct  namespace_relative_record_index_pod_type
 The POD (plain old data) type associated with this. More...
struct  namespace_relative_subposet_index
 Index for identifying a subposet relative to a given name space. More...
struct  namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type
 POD type associated with namespace_relative_subposet_index. More...
class  no_deep_size_policy
 Do not call deep_size on either the key or value. More...
class  offset_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_handle that has a offset id space state. More...
class  offset_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over a gathered id space in which the equivlence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is computed using an offset. More...
class  offset_index_space_state
 A computed implementation of abstract class explicit_index_space_state. This representation assumes the ids are an open gathered set of ids. The equivalence between the ids in this space and the hub id space is computed using an offset. More...
class  partial_poset_member
 A client handle for a possibly restricted member of a poset.

A partial_poset_member is a poset_member which may be restricted to a subset of the host row schema, but does not export the interface for changing the restriction. /. More...
class  plot
 A class for constructing files to be read by gnuplot. More...
class  pool
 A reallocatable pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either "allocated" or linked together into a "free" list. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation of nodes in a graph or other dynamic data structure. There is an implicit constraint on T: it must have a next() feature. More...
class  poset
 A client handle for a mutable partially ordered set. More...
class  poset_bounds
 A (lower, upper) bounds pair for a poset. Specifies a portion of a poset for a bounded i/o operation. More...
class  poset_bounds_descriptor
 A description of a (lower, upper) bounds pair for a poset. Specifies a portion of a poset for a bounded i/o operation. More...
class  poset_component
 Features shared by poset_member and subposet.

Subposet and poset_member objects can be attached, detached, and reattached to the poset_state object in a manner similar to the way object references can be attached, detached, and reattached to objects in Eiffel and in Java. This class provides the routines for managing the state attachment for these 2 poset component types.

Note: this class is intended only for convenience of implementation. It is is not intended to be used as an abstract interface by clients and may not reliably function as such. More...
class  poset_crg_state
 The data structure representing the cover relation graph of a poset. More...
class  poset_data_type_map
 A poset specific collection of data converters, various buffers and other data used while transferring posets between internal and external representations. More...
class  poset_dft
 Abstract traverser (internal iterator) for poset which traverses the cover relation graph in depth first order. More...
class  poset_dof_iterator
 Iterates in postorder over dofs of a schema member anchor. Attaches a handle of type schema_poset_member to the current member of the iteration. More...
class  poset_dof_map
 The general, abstract map from dof ids to dof values. More...
class  poset_general_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the poset general attributes record. Intended for transferring data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  poset_handle_factory
 A factory for creating poset handles. More...
class  poset_joiner
 Computes the join of given poset members. More...
class  poset_member
 A client handle for a restrictable member of a poset.

A poset_member is a poset_member which can be restricted to a subset of the host row schema. More...
class  poset_member_iterator
class  poset_orderer
 Traverser to ensure validity of order relation. More...
class  poset_path
 A path defined by a poset name and a member name separated by a forward slash ('/'). For example: "cell_definitions/triangle". More...
class  poset_powerset_state
 The set of subsets of a poset. More...
class  poset_scaffold
 A poset specific collection of data converters, various buffers and other data used while transferring posets between internal and external representations. More...
class  poset_slicer
 Traverser to compute intersection of the down set (up set) of the anchor with a given subposet. The typical use of this traverser is to compute the maximal (minimal) members of the down set (up set) which are also contained in the given subset. This produces a slice subposet, hence the name of the class. More...
class  poset_state
 The private state of a partially ordered set. More...
class  poset_state_handle
 A client handle for a general, abstract partially order set. More...
class  poset_table_state
 The data structure representing the table containing the dof tuples of the members of a poset. More...
class  poset_traverser
 Abstract traverser (internal iterator) for poset. More...
class  postorder_iterator
 Dperecated. Use postorder_itr. Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes the POSTVISIT_ACTION to the client. More...
class  postorder_itr
 Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes the POSTVISIT_ACTION to the client. More...
class  postorder_member_iterator
class  preorder_iterator
class  preorder_itr
 Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes the PREVISIT_ACTION to the client. More...
class  preorder_member_iterator
class  primary_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_handle that has a primary id space state. More...
class  primary_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over a gathered id space in which the equivlence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is computed using an offset. More...
class  primary_index_space_state
 A computed implementation class explicit_index_space_state that is used for the terms of the primary sum id space. More...
class  primary_sum_index_space_state
 An implementation of class sum_index_space_state intended for use as the sum of the primary id spaces. More...
class  primitive_attributes
 Abstract object wrapper for an instance of a primitive type. More...
union  primitive_buffer_type
 Type of buffer large enough to hold any primitive type. More...
struct  primitive_descriptor
struct  primitive_traits
 Traits for primitive type T. More...
struct  primitive_traits< bool >
struct  primitive_traits< c_string >
struct  primitive_traits< char >
struct  primitive_traits< char const *>
struct  primitive_traits< double >
struct  primitive_traits< float >
struct  primitive_traits< int >
struct  primitive_traits< long double >
struct  primitive_traits< long int >
struct  primitive_traits< long long int >
struct  primitive_traits< namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type >
struct  primitive_traits< namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type >
struct  primitive_traits< short int >
struct  primitive_traits< signed char >
struct  primitive_traits< unsigned char >
struct  primitive_traits< unsigned int >
struct  primitive_traits< unsigned long int >
struct  primitive_traits< unsigned long long int >
struct  primitive_traits< unsigned short int >
struct  primitive_traits< void >
struct  primitive_traits< void_star >
class  primitive_value
 Abstract object wrapper for an instance of a primitive type. More...
class  primitives_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_handle that has a primitives id space state. More...
class  primitives_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over the id space for the primitives row dof id space. More...
class  primitives_index_space_state
 A implementation of abstract class explicit_index_space_state for the primitives row dof id space. More...
class  primitives_poset
 The poset containing the primitive type definitions. More...
class  primitives_poset_dof_map
 A map from schema poset member ids to dof values for primitives_poset members. More...
class  primitives_poset_schema
 The schema poset for the primitives. More...
struct  ptr_hash
 Hash function for pointers. More...
struct  ptr_key_test
 Hash set key test for a pointer to type T. More...
class  ptr_linked_pool
 A reallocatable pool of objects of type T. Objects in the pool are either "allocated" or linked together via pointers into a "free" list. Intended to support efficient allocation and deallocation of nodes in a graph or other dynamic data structure. There is an implicit constraint on T: it must have a next() feature. More...
class  ragged_array
 A two index array with variable length rows. More...
class  ragged_array_implicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of implicit_index_space_iterator for an implicit id space in an ragged_array_index_space_interval. The equivalence between the ids in the space and the hub id space is stored in a two dimensional array with variable length rows. More...
class  ragged_array_index_space_interval
 An implementation of index_space_interval for an interval of implicit id spaces in which the hub ids are stored in a two dimensional array with variable length rows. More...
class  rc_any
 Base class for reference counting. More...
class  rc_ptr
 Reference-counted pointer to object of type T. T must be an implementation of concept class rc_any. More...
class  read_write_monitor
 The monitor concurrency control interface. Class READ_WRITE_MONITOR implements the monitor concurrency control paradigm, as described in Andrews, "Concurrent Programming Principles and Practice". We have extended Andrews design to incorporate two kinds of clients: threads and objects. The thread client interface corresponds to Andrew's design and is intended to mediate access by multiple clients, each of which is expected to gain appropriate access, execute some piece of code and release access. The object client interface is intended for use when a client object depends on the monitored object not changing during the lifetime of the client object. The client gains read-only access to the monitored object and releases the access only when it (the client) is deleted. The read access prevents any thread from gaining write access and hence locks the monitored object for the life of the client. The motivating application for the object client interface is the need to lock poset objects which are being used as the schema for some other (client) poset object.

Note that the monitor protocol for the per-thread access control only works if three conditions are satisfied:

every client always requests access before accessing the object

every release call by this thread is always preceded by a request call by this thread

every request call by this thread is always followed by a release call by this thread

The latter two conditions require that request/release always occur in matching pairs.

We are currently enforcing request_precedes_access and request_precedes_release via precondition assertions but we are not enforcing release_follows_request because we don't see any way to do it.

We sometimes refer to a client that satisfies request_precedes_access as a "polite" client, and a client that satisfies request_precedes_release and release_follows_request as a "proper" client. The read_write_monitor protocol implemented here requires clients to be both polite and proper.
A note on constness. "Logically" const member functions (queries) of monitored classes must be able to get and release read access. This implies that get_read_access and release_access must be const; which in turn requires that in this class most of the other member functions are const and all the data members are mutable. More...
class  read_write_monitor_handle
 A handle for a hidden read_write_monitor state. More...
class  record
 The general variable length record wrapper/adapter for transferring data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  record_map
 Insert record_map& p into ostream& os. More...
class  record_queue
 A queue for record read requests. More...
class  record_set
 An abstract, indexed collection of records on secondary storage. More...
class  refinable_poset
 A client handle for a partially order set that can be refined, that is, a jim can be converted to a jrm by expanding its down set. More...
class  report
 A report generating class. More...
class  reserved_primary_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class primary_index_space_handle that has a reserved primary id space state. More...
class  reserved_primary_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over a reserved term in the primary sum id space in which the equivlence between the ids in the space and the hub id space. This iterator can run in two modes. If is_active_only(), only the active interval of ids will be iterated over. If !is_active_only(), all the ids of the space will be iterated over. is_active_only() is the default mode. More...
class  reserved_primary_index_space_state
 A computed implementation of abstract class primary_index_space_state. This representation is used for the reserved term of the hub id space. More...
class  scattered_insertion_index_space_handle
 A handle for a scattered_insertion_index_space_state. More...
class  scattered_insertion_index_space_state
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_state that supports either gathered or scattered insertion of new members, that is, new members can be inserted within the existing domain interval, at the end of it, or discontiguously. More...
class  schema_descriptor
 A description of a dof in a schema. More...
class  schema_poset_member
 A client handle for a poset member which has been prepared for use as a schema. More...
class  scoped_index
 An index within the external ("client") scope of a given id space. More...
struct  scoped_index_hub_pod
 An encapsulated hub pod_index; intended only for implementing scoped_index "operators" ==~ and !=~; see bool scoped_index::operator==(scoped_index_hub_pod) and scoped_index_interal_pod scoped_index::operator~(const scoped_index&). More...
class  set_filter
 Set implementation of filter concept. More...
class  sheaf_constants
 OBSOLETE: use sheaf::poset_type, sheaf::dof_tuple_type, etc. Retained only because swig wraps only class members. More...
class  sheaf_file
 An encapsulation of an HDF file containing sheaf data. More...
class  sheaves_namespace
 The standard sheaves name space. More...
class  singleton_implicit_index_space_iterator
 An implementation of implicit_index_space_iterator for an implicit id space in an singleton_index_space_interval. More...
class  singleton_index_space_handle
 An implementation of class explicit_index_space_handle that has a singleton id space state. More...
class  singleton_index_space_interval
 An implementation of index_space_interval for an interval of implicit id spaces with a single id and in which the hub ids can be calculated by an offset. More...
class  singleton_index_space_iterator
 An iterator over an id space in which contains only one id. More...
class  singleton_index_space_state
 An implementation of explicit_index_space_state for an id space containing a single id. More...
class  singly_linked_list
 Wrapper class for forward_list or slist depending on compiler. The class replicates the minimum subset of the forward_list and slist classes. It also implements a push_front function that takes a range. More...
class  standard_member_hack_crg_interval
 Implementation of explicit_crg_interval intended only to support the product poset hack in section_space_schema_poset. More...
class  stl_scoped_index
 Wrapper for scoped_index used for standard template library tree containers (set, multiset, map, multimap). This class redefines operator< to guarantee strict work ordering regardless of the id space. More...
class  stop_watch
 A clock for timing intervals. More...
class  storage_agent
 Agent responsible for importing and exporting posets from an external name space which resides on disk. More...
class  subposet
 A client handle for a subposet.
class  subposet_member_iterator
class  subposet_names_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the subposet names record. Intended for transferring subposet name data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  subposet_state
 The data structure representing the state of a subposet. More...
class  sum_index_space_handle
 An implemenation of class explicit_index_space_handle that has a sum id space state. More...
class  sum_index_space_state
 An abstract id space of alternate integer identifiers which is the sum (disjoint union) of two or more id spaces. More...
class  table_dof_tuple_record
 A wrapper/adapter for the table dof tuple record. Intended for transferring data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  tern
 A three state "bool". Does not provide the operations of ternary logic and is intended for use mostly as a convenient, three-way input argument. Can not be used as a base class since it does not have a virtual destructor. More...
class  total_poset_member
 A client handle for an unrestricted member of a poset. A total_poset_member is guaranteed not to be restricted and its restriction state can not be changed. More...
class  triorder_iterator
class  triorder_itr
 Specialization of the filtered depth-first iterator which exposes all three actions to the client; the PREVISIT_ACTION, the POSTVISIT_ACTION and the LINK_ACTION. More...
class  un_block_initialization_policy
 An auto_block value initialization policy that leaves the values uninitialized. More...
class  unordered_set_filter
 Hash set implementation of filter concept. More...
class  value_deep_size_policy
 Call deep_size on the value. More...
class  value_ptr_deep_size_policy
 Call deep_size on the dereferenced pointer of the value. More...
class  variable_length_record
 The general variable length record wrapper/adapter for transferring data between the kernel and the i/o subsystem. More...
class  wsv_block
 Whitespace-separated-value block; A block of objects of type T that can be conveniently initialized by a whitespace-separated list. More...
class  zero_block_initialization_policy
 A auto_block initialization policy that initializes the values to zero. More...
class  zn_to_bool
 A map from Zn (the integers mod n) to bools. A characteristic function used to represent subsets of Zn. More...
class  zn_to_bool_filter
 Zn_to_bool implementation of filter concept. More...


typedef int int_type
 The preferred integer type. More...
typedef long difference_type
 A signed integral type used to represent the difference of two indices or iterators. More...
typedef unsigned long size_type
 An unsigned integral type used to represent sizes and capacities. More...
typedef void * void_star
 Synonym for void*. More...
typedef char * c_string
 Synonym for char*. More...
typedef scoped_index record_index
 The type used for indexing records in a dataset. More...
typedef biorder_itr< zn_to_boolzn_to_bool_biorder_itr
 Biorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef biorder_itr< std::set< pod_index_type > > set_biorder_itr
 Biorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef biorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set< pod_index_type > > unordered_set_biorder_itr
 Biorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef linkorder_itr< zn_to_boolzn_to_bool_linkorder_itr
 Linkorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef linkorder_itr< std::set< pod_index_type > > set_linkorder_itr
 Linkorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef linkorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set< pod_index_type > > unordered_set_linkorder_itr
 Linkorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef postorder_itr< zn_to_boolzn_to_bool_postorder_itr
 Postorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef postorder_itr< std::set< pod_index_type > > set_postorder_itr
 Postorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef postorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set< pod_index_type > > unordered_set_postorder_itr
 Postorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef preorder_itr< zn_to_boolzn_to_bool_preorder_itr
 Preorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef preorder_itr< std::set< pod_index_type > > set_preorder_itr
 Preorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef preorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set< pod_index_type > > unordered_set_preorder_itr
 Preorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef triorder_itr< zn_to_boolzn_to_bool_triorder_itr
 Triorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef triorder_itr< std::set< pod_index_type > > set_triorder_itr
 Triorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef triorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set< pod_index_type > > unordered_set_triorder_itr
 Triorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers. More...
typedef int_type pod_index_type
 The plain old data index type. More...
typedef pod_index_type scoped_index_pod_type
 POD type for scoped_index. More...


enum  dof_tuple_type {
 Identifiers for dof tuple types. More...
enum  namespace_member_index {
 Ids for standard poset members. More...
enum  namespace_schema_member_index {
 Ids for namespace poset schema members. More...
enum  poset_type {
 Identifiers for poset types. More...
enum  primitives_schema_member_index {
 Ids for standard poset members. More...
 Ids for standard dof tuples. More...
enum  standard_member_index {
 Ids for standard poset members. More...
enum  standard_subposet_index {
 Ids for standard subposets. More...
enum  standard_version_index {
 Ids for standard poset versions. More...
enum  primitive_type {
 Type ids for sheaf primitives. More...


template<class T , class Alloc >
bool operator== (const singly_linked_list< T, Alloc > &lhs, const singly_linked_list< T, Alloc > &rhs)
 Checks if the contents of lhs and rhs are equal, that is, whether lhs.size() == rhs.size() and each element in lhs compares equal with the element in rhs at the same position. More...
template<class T , class Alloc >
bool operator< (const singly_linked_list< T, Alloc > &lhs, const singly_linked_list< T, Alloc > &rhs)
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const dof_descriptor_array &p)
 Insert dof_descriptor_array& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const dof_descriptor_array::dof_descriptor &p)
 Insert dof_descriptor_array::dof_descriptor& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const dof_descriptor_array &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type dof_descriptor_array. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & dof_tuple_type_to_name (dof_tuple_type xdt)
 The name of the enumerator xdt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC dof_tuple_type dof_tuple_type_id (int xi)
 The dof tuple type associated with int xi; converts int to dof tuple type. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, dof_tuple_type xdt)
 Insert dof_tuple_type xdt into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, dof_tuple_type &xdt)
 Extract dof_tuple_type xdt from istream& is. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_dof_map &p)
 Insert poset_dof_map& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_dof_map &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_dof_map. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void check_lps_script_has_run ()
 Function to test for whether the LPS script has been executed. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::string filename_from_cmdline (std::string xargv)
 Method to strip any command line down to it's rightmost delimited element . Used in unit test routines. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::string get_release_tag ()
 Returns the CVS branch tag for this codebase. . More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool isunordered_or_equals (float x1, float x2)
 True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool isunordered_or_equals (double x1, double x2)
 True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool isunordered_or_equals (long double x1, long double x2)
 True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const array_index_space_interval &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of array_index_space_interval& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const array_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of array_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const constant_index_space_interval &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of constant_index_space_interval& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const explicit_index_space_collection &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of explicit_index_space_collection& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const explicit_index_space_interval &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of explicit_index_space_interval& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const explicit_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of explicit_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const explicit_index_space_state &xn)
 Insert explicit_index_space_state& xn into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const gathered_insertion_index_space_handle &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of gathered_insertion_index_space_handle& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const gathered_insertion_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of gathered_insertion_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const hash_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of hash_index_space_state& xn. More...
pod_index_type ordinal (pod_index_type xi, pod_index_type xj, size_type xj_ub)
 2-tuple to ordinal conversion. More...
void tuple (pod_index_type x, size_type xj_ub, pod_index_type &xi, pod_index_type &xj)
 Ordinal to 2-tuple conversion. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const ij_product_structure &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of ij_product_structure& xn. More...
pod_index_type ordinal (pod_index_type x0, pod_index_type x1, pod_index_type x2, pod_index_type x1_end, pod_index_type x2_end)
 3-tuple to ordinal conversion. More...
void tuple (pod_index_type x, pod_index_type x1_end, pod_index_type x2_end, pod_index_type &x0, pod_index_type &x1, pod_index_type &x2)
 Ordinal to 3-tuple conversion. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const ijk_product_structure &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of ijk_product_structure& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const index_space_family &xfamily)
 Insert index_space_family& xn into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const index_space_family &xfamily, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of index_space_family& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const index_space_handle &xi)
 Insert index_space_handle& xn into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const index_space_handle &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of index_space_handle& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const index_space_interval &xn)
 Insert index_space_interval& xn into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const index_space_iterator &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of index_space_iterator& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const interval_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of interval_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const list_index_space_handle &xi)
 Insert index_space_handle& xn into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const list_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of list_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const offset_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of offset_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const primary_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of primary_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const primary_sum_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of primary_sum_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const primitives_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of primitives_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const ragged_array_index_space_interval &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of ragged_array_index_space_interval& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const reserved_primary_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of reserved_primary_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const scattered_insertion_index_space_handle &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of scattered_insertion_index_space_handle& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const scattered_insertion_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of scattered_insertion_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const singleton_index_space_interval &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of singleton_index_space_interval& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const singleton_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of singleton_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const sum_index_space_state &xn, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of sum_index_space_state& xn. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const name_multimap &xm)
 Insert name_multimap xm into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const name_multimap &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type name_multimap; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename internal_index_type , typename external_index_type >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const record_map< internal_index_type, external_index_type > &xp)
template<typename T >
T::table_dofs_type & table_dofs (T &x0)
 The table dofs pod type for x0 (mutable version). More...
template<typename T >
const T::table_dofs_type & table_dofs (const T &x0)
 The table dofs pod type for x0 (const version). More...
template<typename T >
T::table_dofs_type & table_dofs (T &x0, bool xauto_access)
 The table dofs pod type for x0 (mutable auto-access version). More...
template<typename T >
const T::table_dofs_type & table_dofs (const T &x0, bool xauto_access)
 The table dofs pod type for x0 (const auto-access version). More...
template<typename T >
T::row_dofs_type & row_dofs (T &x0)
 The row dofs pod type for x0 (mutable version). More...
template<typename T >
const T::row_dofs_type & row_dofs (const T &x0)
 The row dofs pod type for x0 (const version). More...
template<typename T >
T::row_dofs_type & row_dofs (T &x0, bool xauto_access)
 The row dofs pod type for x0 (mutable auto-access version). More...
template<typename T >
const T::row_dofs_type & row_dofs (const T &x0, bool xauto_access)
 The row dofs pod type for x0 (const auto-access version). More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const abstract_poset_member &p)
 Insert abstract_poset_member& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const abstract_poset_member *p)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const crg_interval &m)
 Insert crg_interval& m into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const crg_interval &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const explicit_crg_interval &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type explicit_crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const implicit_crg_interval &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type implicit_crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_member_indexoperator++ (namespace_member_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for namespace_member_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & namespace_member_index_to_name (namespace_member_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_member_index namespace_member_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_member_index namespace_member_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_namespace_member_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const namespace_poset &p)
 Insert namespace_poset& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const namespace_poset &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true, size_t xresults[4]=0)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type namespace_poset. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const namespace_relative_member_index &xindex)
 Inserts namespace_relative_member_index xindex into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &xis, namespace_relative_member_index &xindex)
 Extracts namespace_relative_member_index xindex from istream xis. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const namespace_relative_subposet_index &xindex)
 Inserts namespace_relative_subposet_index xindex into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &xis, namespace_relative_subposet_index &xindex)
 Extracts namespace_relative_subposet_index xindex from istream xis. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_schema_member_indexoperator++ (namespace_schema_member_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for namespace_schema_member_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & namespace_schema_member_index_to_name (namespace_schema_member_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_schema_member_index namespace_schema_member_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_schema_member_index namespace_schema_member_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_namespace_schema_member_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_component &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_component. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const sheaf::poset_crg_state &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true, size_t xresults[2]=0)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_crg_state; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_crg_state &p)
 Insert poset_crg_state& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_path &pp)
 Insert poset_path& pp into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const poset_path &xpath, const primitive_value &xprim)
 True if and only if xpath.path() == xprim.value().c_string_primitive. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xprim, const poset_path &xpath)
 True if and only if xpath.path() == xprim.value().c_string_primitive. More...
size_t SHEAF_DLL_SPEC deep_size (const poset_path &xpath, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_path. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_powerset_state &p)
 Insert poset_powerset_state& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_powerset_state &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_powerset_state. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_state &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true, size_t xresults[4]=0)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_state. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. if xresults is not null, the deep size of the poset_state parts returned; xresults[0] is the deep_size of poset_crg_state, xresults[1] is the deep_size of poset_powerset_state, xresults[2] is the deep_size of poset_table_state. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_state_handle &p)
 Insert poset_state_handle& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_state_handle &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true, size_t xresults[4]=0)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_state_handle. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. if xresults is not null, the deep size of the poset_state parts returned; xresults[0] is the deep_size of poset_crg_state, xresults[1] is the deep_size of index_space_family, xresults[2] is the deep_size of poset_powerset_state, xresults[3] is the deep_size of poset_table_state. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const poset_table_state &p)
 Insert poset_table_state& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const poset_table_state &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_table_state. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC poset_type poset_type_id (int xi)
 The poset type associated with int xi; converts int to poset type. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC primitives_schema_member_indexoperator++ (primitives_schema_member_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for primitives_schema_member_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & primitives_schema_member_index_to_name (primitives_schema_member_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC primitives_schema_member_index primitives_schema_member_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC primitives_schema_member_index primitives_schema_member_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_primitives_schema_member_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const schema_descriptor &xsd)
 Insert schema_descriptor xsd into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, schema_descriptor &xsd)
 Extract schema_descriptor xsd from istream& is. More...
size_t SHEAF_DLL_SPEC deep_size (const schema_descriptor &xsd, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type schema_descriptor. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xsd to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const schema_poset_member &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type schema_poset_member. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_dof_tuple_indexoperator++ (standard_dof_tuple_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for standard_dof_tuple_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name (standard_dof_tuple_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_dof_tuple_index standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_dof_tuple_index standard_dof_tuple_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_standard_dof_tuple_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const standard_member_hack_crg_interval &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type standard_member_hack_crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_member_indexoperator++ (standard_member_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for standard_member_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & standard_member_index_to_name (standard_member_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_member_index standard_member_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_member_index standard_member_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_standard_member_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_subposet_indexoperator++ (standard_subposet_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for standard_subposet_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & standard_subposet_index_to_name (standard_subposet_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_subposet_index standard_subposet_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_subposet_index standard_subposet_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_standard_subposet_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_version_indexoperator++ (standard_version_index &x)
 Prefix increment operator for standard_version_index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC const std::string & standard_version_index_to_name (standard_version_index xpt)
 The name of the enumerator xpt. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_version_index standard_version_index_from_name (const std::string &xname)
 The enumerator with name xname. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC standard_version_index standard_version_index_from_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_standard_version_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const subposet &s)
 Insert subposet& s into ostream& os. More...
size_t SHEAF_DLL_SPEC deep_size (const subposet &xsp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type subposet. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, subposet_state &s)
 Insert subposet_state& s into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const subposet_state &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type subposet_state. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const arg_list &p)
 Insert arg_list p into ostream os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, arg_list &p)
 Extract arg_list p from istream is. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const arg_list::arg_type &p)
 Insert arg_list::arg_type& p into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &os, arg_list::arg_type &p)
 Extract arg_list::arg_type& p from istream& os. More...
size_t SHEAF_DLL_SPEC deep_size (const arg_list::arg_type &xtype, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type arg_list::arg_type. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xtype to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void check_contract (bool xcond, const char *xmsg, const char *xfunction_name, const char *xfile, int xline)
 Tests condition xcond and throws exception if false; exception message includes xmsg, file name xfile, and line number xline. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void check_contract (bool xcond, const char *xcond_msg, int xi, const char *xi_msg, const char *xfile, int xline)
 Tests condition xcond for index xi and throws exception if false; exception message includes xcond_msg, xi_msg, file name xfile, and line number xline. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void check_contract (bool xcond, const char *xcond_msg, int xi, const char *xi_msg, const char *xfunction_name, const char *xfile, int xline)
 Tests condition xcond for index xi and throws exception if false; exception message includes xcond_msg, xi_msg, function name xfunction_name, file name xfile, and line number xline. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void post_there_exists_failed (const char *xcond_msg, int xi, const char *xi_msg, int xmin, int xub, const char *xfunction_name, const char *xfile, int xline)
 Throws exception for existential quantification failure. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void post_unimplemented (const char *xcond_msg, const char *xfunction_name, const char *xfile, int xline)
 Throws exception for attempt to invoke is_abstract or not implemented. More...
template<typename T , typename S >
bool operator== (const auto_block< T, S > &xblk1, const auto_block< T, S > &xblk2)
 Equality operator; true if xblk1 equals xblk2. More...
template<typename T , typename S >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const auto_block< T, S > &xblk)
 Inserts auto_block xblk into ostream xos. More...
template<typename T , typename S >
size_t deep_size (const auto_block< T, S > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type auto_block<T, S>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename T , typename S >
size_t deep_size (const auto_block< T *, S > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type auto_block<T* S>. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. Note that the first argument is auto_block<T*, S> but the template parameter is T, not T*. More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const binary_index_block< T > &xblk)
 Inserts block xblk into ostream xos. More...
template<typename T >
bool operator== (const block< T > &xblk1, const block< T > &xblk2)
 Equality operator; true if xblk1 equals xblk2. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const block< T > &xblk)
 Inserts block xblk into ostream xos. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const block< T > &xblk, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type block<T>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const block< T *> &xblk, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type block<T*>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. Note that the first argument is auto_block<T*, S> but the template parameter is T, not T*. More...
template<typename K , typename V , typename S , typename H , typename E , typename A >
size_t deep_size (const unordered::unordered_multimap< K, V, H, E, A > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type hash_multimap; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename K , typename V , typename S , typename H , typename E , typename A >
size_t deep_size (const unordered::unordered_map< K, V, H, E, A > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type unordered_map; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename K , typename V , typename S >
size_t deep_size (const std::map< K, V > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type map; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const std::list< T > &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type list; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const T &xvalue, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced primitive of type T. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const std::string &xp, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type string; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const error_message &xmsg)
 Inserts error message xmsg into ostream xos. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const factory< T > &xf)
 Inserts factory& xf in stream xos. More...
template<typename T , typename R >
ostream & operator<< (ostream &xos, const factory_2< T, R > &xf)
 Inserts factory_2& xf in stream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const id_block &xblk)
 Inserts block xblk into ostream xos. More...
template<typename E , typename I >
size_t deep_size (const implicit_entry_map< E, I > &xmap, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type implicit_entry_map<E, I>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xvalue to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const int_set &c)
 Insert int_set& c into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const interval_set &xset)
 Insert interval_set& xset into ostream& xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const interval_set &xset, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type interval_set. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const list_pool< T > &xpool, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type list_pool. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC pod_index_type invalid_pod_index ()
 The invalid pod index value. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_valid (pod_index_type xpod_index)
 True if an only if xpod_index is valid. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC pod_index_type max_pod_index ()
 The maximum pod index value. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC pod_index_type min_pod_index ()
 The minimum pod index value. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type invalid_namespace_relative_member_index_pod ()
 The invalid namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type value. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type &xpod)
 Inserts namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xpod into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &xis, namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type &xindex)
 Extracts namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xpod from istream xis. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type invalid_namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod ()
 The invalid namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type value. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type &xpod)
 Inserts namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xpod into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &xis, namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type &xindex)
 Extracts namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xpod from istream xis. More...
template<class T , int EXTENSION_FACTOR>
size_t deep_size (const pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR > &xpool, bool xinclude_shallow)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type pool<T, int>. More...
primitive_typeoperator++ (primitive_type &x)
 Prefix increment operator for primitive_type. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool is_primitive_index (pod_index_type xindex)
 True if xindex is a valid primitive index. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const primitive_type &xpt)
 Insert primitive_type xpt into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &is, primitive_type &xpt)
 Extract primitive_type xpt from istream& is. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const primitive_descriptor &xpd)
 Insert primitive_descriptor into ostream& os. More...
size_t align (const size_t xoffset, const size_t xalignment)
 Smallest offset greater than or equal to xoffset that has alignment xalignment. More...
template SHEAF_DLL_SPEC sheaf::primitive_valuesheaf::primitive_value::operator=<sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type > (const sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type &x)
template SHEAF_DLL_SPEC sheaf::primitive_valuesheaf::primitive_value::operator=<sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type > (const sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type &x)
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv1, const primitive_value &xpv2)
 Comparison of xpv1 to xpv2. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const void *xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const void *xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const char *xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const char *xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const std::string &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const std::string &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const scoped_index &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const scoped_index &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const namespace_relative_member_index &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const namespace_relative_member_index &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const namespace_relative_subposet_index &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const namespace_relative_subposet_index &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const bool &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const bool &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const char &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const char &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const signed char &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const signed char &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const short int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const short int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const long int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const long int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const long long int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const long long int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const unsigned char &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const unsigned char &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const unsigned short int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const unsigned short int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const unsigned int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const unsigned int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const unsigned long int &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const unsigned long int &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const unsigned long long &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const unsigned long long &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const float &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const float &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const double &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const double &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const long double &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const long double &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const primitive_value &xpv, const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type &xval)
 Comparison of xpv to xval. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool operator== (const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type &xval, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Comparison of xval to xpv. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const primitive_value &xpv)
 Inserts primitive_value xpv into ostream xos. More...
size_t SHEAF_DLL_SPEC deep_size (const primitive_value &xpv, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type primitive_value. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const ptr_linked_pool< T > &xp)
 Insert ptr_linked_pool<T>& xp into ostream& xos. More...
template<typename T >
size_t deep_size (const ragged_array< T > &xra, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type ragged_array<T>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const ragged_array< T > &xra)
 Inserts ragged_array xra into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const rc_any &rc)
 Insert rc_any rc into ostream os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, report &xreport)
 Inserts the report xreport into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &xos, const scoped_index &xid)
 Inserts xid into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &xis, scoped_index &xid)
 Extracts xid from istream xis. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const scoped_index &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type scoped_index. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, stop_watch &xsw)
 Inserts lap times for stop_watch xsw into ostream xos. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_0 (float xf0)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 0.0f using tolerance float_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_0 (float xf0, float xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 0.0f using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_1 (float xf0)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 1.0f using tolerance float_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_1 (float xf0, float xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 1.0f using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (float xf0, float xf1)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (float xf0, float xf1, float xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (float xf0, float xf1)
 Relative equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (float xf0, float xf1, float xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (float xf0, float xf1)
 Combined equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (float xf0, float xf1, float xtolerance)
 Combined equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_0 (double xd0)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 0.0 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_0 (double xd0, double xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 0.0 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_1 (double xd0)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 1.0 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql_1 (double xd0, double xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 1.0 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (double xd0, double xd1)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool a_eql (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (double xd0, double xd1)
 Relative equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool r_eql (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Relative equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (double xd0, double xd1)
 Combined equality equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_eql (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Combined equality equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_lte (double xd0, double xd1)
 Combined less than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_lte (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Combined less than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_lt (double xd0, double xd1)
 Combined less than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_lt (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Combined less than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_gte (double xd0, double xd1)
 Combined greater than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_gte (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Combined greater than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_gt (double xd0, double xd1)
 Combined greater than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool c_gt (double xd0, double xd1, double xtolerance)
 Combined greater than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, zn_to_bool &zn)
 Insert zn_to_bool& zn into ostream& os. More...
SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t deep_size (const zn_to_bool &xp, bool xinclude_shallow=true)
 The deep size of the referenced object of type zn_to_bool. More...


const bool LOWER = true
 Selector for lower cover. More...
const bool UPPER = false
 Selector for upper cover. More...
const bool DOWN = true
 Iteration directions. More...
const bool UP = false
 Iteration directions. More...
const bool RESET = true
 Iteration marker reset control. More...
const bool NO_RESET = false
 Iteration marker reset control. More...
const bool STRICT = true
 Iteration strictness control. More...
const bool NOT_STRICT = false
 Iteration strictness control. More...
const size_type RESERVED_TERM_SIZE = 128
 Size of reserved term in top id space. More...
const size_type EXPLICIT_INTERVAL_SIZE = 128
 Size of the explicit id space intervals. More...
const std::string RELEASE_TAG = "$Name: HEAD $"
 The CVS branch tag this file is part of. More...
const int PREREQ_IDS_UB = 5
 Number of prerequisites ids. Must be consistent with PREREQ_ID_*_INDEX below. More...
 The number of dofs defined by the namespace schema. More...
 Number of dofs defined by primitives schema. More...
const float float_tolerance = sqrt(std::numeric_limits<float>::epsilon())
 Tolerance for float comparisons. More...
const double double_tolerance = sqrt(std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon())
 Tolerance for double comparisons. More...

Detailed Description

Namespace for the sheaves component of the sheaf system.

Typedef Documentation

◆ c_string

typedef char* sheaf::c_string

Synonym for char*.

Definition at line 62 of file sheaf.h.

◆ difference_type

typedef long sheaf::difference_type

A signed integral type used to represent the difference of two indices or iterators.

Definition at line 47 of file sheaf.h.

◆ int_type

typedef int sheaf::int_type

The preferred integer type.

Definition at line 41 of file sheaf.h.

◆ pod_index_type

The plain old data index type.

Definition at line 49 of file pod_types.h.

◆ record_index

The type used for indexing records in a dataset.

Definition at line 42 of file record_index.h.

◆ scoped_index_pod_type

POD type for scoped_index.

Definition at line 74 of file pod_types.h.

◆ set_biorder_itr

Biorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 160 of file biorder_itr.h.

◆ set_linkorder_itr

Linkorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 160 of file linkorder_itr.h.

◆ set_postorder_itr

Postorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 160 of file postorder_itr.h.

◆ set_preorder_itr

Preorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 162 of file preorder_itr.h.

◆ set_triorder_itr

Triorder_itr<T> using set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 163 of file triorder_itr.h.

◆ size_type

typedef unsigned long sheaf::size_type

An unsigned integral type used to represent sizes and capacities.

Definition at line 52 of file sheaf.h.

◆ unordered_set_biorder_itr

typedef biorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set<pod_index_type> > sheaf::unordered_set_biorder_itr

Biorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 165 of file biorder_itr.h.

◆ unordered_set_linkorder_itr

typedef linkorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set<pod_index_type> > sheaf::unordered_set_linkorder_itr

Linkorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 165 of file linkorder_itr.h.

◆ unordered_set_postorder_itr

typedef postorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set<pod_index_type> > sheaf::unordered_set_postorder_itr

Postorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 165 of file postorder_itr.h.

◆ unordered_set_preorder_itr

typedef preorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set<pod_index_type> > sheaf::unordered_set_preorder_itr

Preorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 167 of file preorder_itr.h.

◆ unordered_set_triorder_itr

typedef triorder_itr< unordered::unordered_set<pod_index_type> > sheaf::unordered_set_triorder_itr

Triorder_itr<T> using unordered_set for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 168 of file triorder_itr.h.

◆ void_star

typedef void* sheaf::void_star

Synonym for void*.

Definition at line 57 of file sheaf.h.

◆ zn_to_bool_biorder_itr

Biorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 155 of file biorder_itr.h.

◆ zn_to_bool_linkorder_itr

Linkorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 155 of file linkorder_itr.h.

◆ zn_to_bool_postorder_itr

Postorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 155 of file postorder_itr.h.

◆ zn_to_bool_preorder_itr

Preorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 157 of file preorder_itr.h.

◆ zn_to_bool_triorder_itr

Triorder_itr<T> using zn_to_bool for _has_visited markers.

Definition at line 158 of file triorder_itr.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ dof_tuple_type

Identifiers for dof tuple types.

Definition at line 45 of file dof_tuple_type.h.

◆ namespace_member_index

Ids for standard poset members.

Definition at line 41 of file namespace_member_index.h.

◆ namespace_schema_member_index

Ids for namespace poset schema members.

Definition at line 47 of file namespace_schema_member_index.h.

◆ poset_type

Identifiers for poset types.

This enumeration creates an unnecessary coupling between sheaves and fiber_bundles. It can and should be eliminated.
: eliminate poset_type.

Definition at line 41 of file poset_type.h.

◆ primitive_type

Type ids for sheaf primitives.

Definition at line 45 of file primitive_type.h.

◆ primitives_schema_member_index

Ids for standard poset members.

Definition at line 41 of file primitives_schema_member_index.h.

◆ standard_dof_tuple_index

Ids for standard dof tuples.

Definition at line 55 of file standard_dof_tuple_index.h.

◆ standard_member_index

Ids for standard poset members.

Definition at line 41 of file standard_member_index.h.

◆ standard_subposet_index

Ids for standard subposets.

1 is in fact the index of the coarsest common refinement whole. It is whole().index() only for posets which are not descendants of refinable_poset. See poset_state_handle::initialize_standard_subposets and refinable_poset::initialize_standard_subposets.

Definition at line 41 of file standard_subposet_index.h.

◆ standard_version_index

Ids for standard poset versions.

Definition at line 41 of file standard_version_index.h.

Function Documentation

◆ a_eql() [1/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1 

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance.

Definition at line 83 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

Referenced by fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::a_eql().

◆ a_eql() [2/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1,
float  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 91 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql() [3/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 173 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql() [4/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 181 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_0() [1/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_0 ( float  xf0)

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 0.0f using tolerance float_tolerance.

Definition at line 51 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_0() [2/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_0 ( float  xf0,
float  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 0.0f using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 59 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_0() [3/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_0 ( double  xd0)

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 0.0 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 141 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_0() [4/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_0 ( double  xd0,
double  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 0.0 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 149 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_1() [1/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_1 ( float  xf0)

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 1.0f using tolerance float_tolerance.

Definition at line 67 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_1() [2/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_1 ( float  xf0,
float  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of float xf0 to 1.0f using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 75 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_1() [3/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_1 ( double  xd0)

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 1.0 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 157 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ a_eql_1() [4/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::a_eql_1 ( double  xd0,
double  xtolerance 

Absolute equality comparison of double xd0 to 1.0 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 165 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ align()

size_t sheaf::align ( const size_t  xoffset,
const size_t  xalignment 

Smallest offset greater than or equal to xoffset that has alignment xalignment.

Definition at line 134 of file primitive_type.h.

Referenced by sheaf::sheaf_constants::align(), sheaf::primitives_poset_schema::schematize(), and sheaf::schema_poset_member::update_dof_descriptors().

◆ c_eql() [1/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1 

Combined equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance.

Definition at line 115 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

Referenced by fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::c_eql().

◆ c_eql() [2/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1,
float  xtolerance 

Combined equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 123 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_eql() [3/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Combined equality equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 205 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_eql() [4/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined equality equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 213 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_gt() [1/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_gt ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Combined greater than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 289 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_gt() [2/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_gt ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined greater than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 297 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_gte() [1/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_gte ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Combined greater than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 268 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_gte() [2/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_gte ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined greater than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 276 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_lt() [1/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_lt ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Combined less than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 247 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_lt() [2/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_lt ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined less than comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 255 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_lte() [1/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_lte ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Combined less than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 226 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ c_lte() [2/2]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::c_lte ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Combined less than or equal comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 234 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ check_contract() [1/3]

void sheaf::check_contract ( bool  xcond,
const char *  xmsg,
const char *  xfunction_name,
const char *  xfile,
int  xline 

Tests condition xcond and throws exception if false; exception message includes xmsg, file name xfile, and line number xline.

Definition at line 137 of file

◆ check_contract() [2/3]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC void sheaf::check_contract ( bool  xcond,
const char *  xcond_msg,
int  xi,
const char *  xi_msg,
const char *  xfile,
int  xline 

Tests condition xcond for index xi and throws exception if false; exception message includes xcond_msg, xi_msg, file name xfile, and line number xline.

◆ check_contract() [3/3]

void sheaf::check_contract ( bool  xcond,
const char *  xcond_msg,
int  xi,
const char *  xi_msg,
const char *  xfunction_name,
const char *  xfile,
int  xline 

Tests condition xcond for index xi and throws exception if false; exception message includes xcond_msg, xi_msg, function name xfunction_name, file name xfile, and line number xline.

Definition at line 176 of file

References post_there_exists_failed().

◆ check_lps_script_has_run()

void sheaf::check_lps_script_has_run ( )

Function to test for whether the LPS script has been executed.

Checks to see if the environment variable LPS_SCRIPT_HAS_RUN has been set. If not, the calling program is forced to exit with a fatal error message; otherwise this method does nothing.

Definition at line 36 of file

References filename_from_cmdline().

Referenced by sheaf::sheaf_constants::check_lps_script_has_run().

◆ deep_size() [1/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const list_pool< T > &  xpool,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type list_pool.

Definition at line 206 of file list_pool.impl.h.

References deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [2/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const ragged_array< T > &  xra,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type ragged_array<T>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 759 of file ragged_array.impl.h.

References sheaf::ragged_array< T >::_col_cts, sheaf::ragged_array< T >::_row_ptrs, sheaf::ragged_array< T >::_values, and deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [3/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const list_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of list_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1432 of file

References sheaf::list_index_space_state::_to_range, and sheaf::list_index_space_state::deep_size.

◆ deep_size() [4/65]

template<class T , int EXTENSION_FACTOR>
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR > &  xpool,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type pool<T, int>.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 453 of file pool.impl.h.

References deep_size(), and sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::index_ub().

◆ deep_size() [5/65]

template<typename E , typename I >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const implicit_entry_map< E, I > &  xmap,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type implicit_entry_map<E, I>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xvalue to the result.

Since the deletion will be handled by this map should the deep_size?
Implement deep_size for rc_ptr.
  • result >= 0
Since the deletion will be handled by this map should the deep_size?
Implement deep_size for rc_ptr.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 876 of file implicit_entry_map.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [6/65]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_crg_state xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow,
size_t  xresults[2] 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_crg_state; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 2044 of file

◆ deep_size() [7/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const block< T > &  xblk,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type block<T>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 181 of file block.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [8/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const block< T *> &  xblk,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type block<T*>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. Note that the first argument is auto_block<T*, S> but the template parameter is T, not T*.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 208 of file block.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [9/65]

template<typename K , typename V , typename S , typename H , typename E , typename A >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const unordered::unordered_multimap< K, V, H, E, A > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type hash_multimap; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 184 of file deep_size.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [10/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_state_handle xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true,
size_t  xresults[4] = 0 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_state_handle. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. if xresults is not null, the deep size of the poset_state parts returned; xresults[0] is the deep_size of poset_crg_state, xresults[1] is the deep_size of index_space_family, xresults[2] is the deep_size of poset_powerset_state, xresults[3] is the deep_size of poset_table_state.

  • xp.state_is_read_accessible()
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 8485 of file

References sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_read_accessible().

◆ deep_size() [11/65]

template<typename K , typename V , typename S , typename H , typename E , typename A >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const unordered::unordered_map< K, V, H, E, A > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type unordered_map; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 229 of file deep_size.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [12/65]

template<typename K , typename V , typename S >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const std::map< K, V > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type map; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 272 of file deep_size.impl.h.

◆ deep_size() [13/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const std::list< T > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type list; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 309 of file deep_size.impl.h.

References deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [14/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const schema_descriptor xsd,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type schema_descriptor. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xsd to the result.

This function is incorrectly implemented.
Implement correctly.
  • result == 0

Definition at line 287 of file

◆ deep_size() [15/65]

template<typename T >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const T &  xvalue,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced primitive of type T.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 351 of file deep_size.impl.h.

References sheaf::primitive_traits< T >::size().

◆ deep_size() [16/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const std::string &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type string; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 23 of file

◆ deep_size() [17/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const dof_descriptor_array xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type dof_descriptor_array.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 161 of file

References sheaf::dof_descriptor_array::ub().

Referenced by sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::constant_index_space_interval(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::deep_size(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::deep_size(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::deep_size(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::deep_size(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::deep_size(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::sum_index_space_state::deep_size(), deep_size(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::deep_size(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::explicit_index_space_interval(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::handle_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::ij_product_structure::invariant(), sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::ijk_product_structure::invariant(), sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle::invariant(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle::invariant(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::index_space_iterator::invariant(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::invariant(), sheaf::sum_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::invariant(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::invariant(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::invariant(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::invariant(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::invariant(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::schema_poset_member::invariant(), sheaf::value_ptr_deep_size_policy< M >::items_deep_size(), sheaf::key_deep_size_policy< M >::items_deep_size(), sheaf::value_deep_size_policy< M >::items_deep_size(), sheaf::key_value_deep_size_policy< M >::items_deep_size(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::iterator_pool_deep_size(), operator<<(), operator==(), operator>>(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::primitives_index_space_state(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::singleton_index_space_interval(), and sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::singleton_index_space_state().

◆ deep_size() [18/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const explicit_crg_interval xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type explicit_crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 284 of file

◆ deep_size() [19/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_state xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true,
size_t  xresults[4] = 0 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_state. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. if xresults is not null, the deep size of the poset_state parts returned; xresults[0] is the deep_size of poset_crg_state, xresults[1] is the deep_size of poset_powerset_state, xresults[2] is the deep_size of poset_table_state.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 382 of file

References sheaf::poset_state::deep_size.

◆ deep_size() [20/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const standard_member_hack_crg_interval xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type standard_member_hack_crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 293 of file

◆ deep_size() [21/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const scattered_insertion_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of scattered_insertion_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 347 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [22/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const ij_product_structure xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of ij_product_structure& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 490 of file

◆ deep_size() [23/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const scattered_insertion_index_space_handle xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of scattered_insertion_index_space_handle& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 461 of file

◆ deep_size() [24/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const ijk_product_structure xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of ijk_product_structure& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 534 of file

◆ deep_size() [25/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const interval_set xset,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type interval_set.

Definition at line 792 of file

◆ deep_size() [26/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const subposet_state xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type subposet_state.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 605 of file

◆ deep_size() [27/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_table_state xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_table_state.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 942 of file

◆ deep_size() [28/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const gathered_insertion_index_space_handle xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of gathered_insertion_index_space_handle& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 786 of file

◆ deep_size() [29/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const name_multimap xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow 

The deep size of the referenced object of type name_multimap; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 760 of file

◆ deep_size() [30/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const gathered_insertion_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of gathered_insertion_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 933 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [31/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const primitives_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of primitives_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 729 of file

References sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [32/65]

template<typename T , typename S >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const auto_block< T, S > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type auto_block<T, S>; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 797 of file auto_block.impl.h.

References deep_size(), and sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::ub().

◆ deep_size() [33/65]

template<typename T , typename S >
size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const auto_block< T *, S > &  xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type auto_block<T* S>. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result. Note that the first argument is auto_block<T*, S> but the template parameter is T, not T*.

  • result >= 0
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 821 of file auto_block.impl.h.

References deep_size(), and sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::ub().

◆ deep_size() [34/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const singleton_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of singleton_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 780 of file

References sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [35/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const index_space_iterator xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of index_space_iterator& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 898 of file

◆ deep_size() [36/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const offset_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of offset_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 783 of file

References sheaf::offset_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [37/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const reserved_primary_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of reserved_primary_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 808 of file

References sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [38/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const explicit_index_space_collection xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of explicit_index_space_collection& xn.

Add deep size of _states.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 897 of file

◆ deep_size() [39/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const implicit_crg_interval xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [40/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const sum_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of sum_index_space_state& xn.

Call deep_size on _terms. The current deep size for auto block calls deep size on the dereferenced pointers. Since the handles are not allocated on the terms, the deep size of the handles should not be included.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 786 of file

References sheaf::sum_index_space_state::_rem_inv, sheaf::sum_index_space_state::_sum_to_term_map, sheaf::sum_index_space_state::_term_begin, sheaf::sum_index_space_state::_term_end, and sheaf::sum_index_space_state::deep_size.

◆ deep_size() [41/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const primary_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of primary_index_space_state& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 850 of file

References sheaf::primary_index_space_state::deep_size().

◆ deep_size() [42/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_path xpath,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_path. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result.

This function is incorrectly implemented.
Implement correctly.
  • result == 0

Definition at line 1346 of file

◆ deep_size() [43/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const arg_list::arg_type xtype,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type arg_list::arg_type. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xtype to the result.

This function is incorrectly implemented.
Implement correctly.
  • result == 0

Definition at line 913 of file

References sheaf::arg_list::arg(), sheaf::arg_list::index(), sheaf::arg_list::name(), sheaf::schema_poset_member::name(), sheaf::arg_list::type(), and sheaf::schema_poset_member::type().

◆ deep_size() [44/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const explicit_index_space_interval xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of explicit_index_space_interval& xn.

Since block calls the namespace level function, we must call deep size on all the states in the block directly.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 939 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::_states, and sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::ub().

◆ deep_size() [45/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const constant_index_space_interval xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [46/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const singleton_index_space_interval xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [47/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const ragged_array_index_space_interval xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of ragged_array_index_space_interval& xn.

The hub ids should only be added if the interval owns the data. Since this class is only used by zone_nodes_block_crg_interval we add the contributions of the hub id array here so we do not have to specialize deep_size functions for crg_interval.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 994 of file

References sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::_handles, sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::_iterators, sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::deep_size, and sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::hub_ids().

◆ deep_size() [48/65]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_dof_map xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_dof_map.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1462 of file

References sheaf::poset_dof_map::is_initialized().

◆ deep_size() [49/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const array_index_space_interval xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of array_index_space_interval& xn.

The hub ids should only be added if the interval owns the data. Since this class is only used by zone_nodes_block_crg_interval we add the contributions of the hub id array here so we do not have to specialize deep_size functions for crg_interval.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1017 of file

References sheaf::array_index_space_interval::_handles, sheaf::array_index_space_interval::_hub_ids, sheaf::array_index_space_interval::_iterators, and sheaf::array_index_space_interval::deep_size.

◆ deep_size() [50/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const crg_interval xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type crg_interval; if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 790 of file

◆ deep_size() [51/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const zn_to_bool xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type zn_to_bool.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1412 of file

◆ deep_size() [52/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const hash_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [53/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const array_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [54/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const explicit_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of explicit_index_space_state& xn.

The product structure should have deep_size functions to deal with the covariant types but since the current product structure only has data members that are size_t we can use size_of.
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1192 of file

References sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::has_product_structure(), operator<<(), and sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::product_structure().

◆ deep_size() [55/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const index_space_handle xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of index_space_handle& xn.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1487 of file

◆ deep_size() [56/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_powerset_state xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_powerset_state.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1039 of file

◆ deep_size() [57/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const poset_component xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type poset_component.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 1659 of file

◆ deep_size() [58/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const interval_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [59/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const primary_sum_index_space_state xn,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [60/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const primitive_value xpv,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type primitive_value. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result.

This function is incorrectly implemented.
Implement correctly.
  • result == 0

Definition at line 1602 of file

◆ deep_size() [61/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const namespace_poset xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true,
size_t  xresults[4] = 0 

◆ deep_size() [62/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const subposet xsp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type subposet. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xpath to the result.

This function is incorrectly implemented.
Implement correctly.
  • result == 0

Definition at line 3063 of file

◆ deep_size() [63/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const index_space_family xfamily,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

◆ deep_size() [64/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const schema_poset_member xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type schema_poset_member.

  • xp.state_is_read_accessible()
  • result >= 0

Definition at line 3880 of file

References sheaf::schema_poset_member::deep_size, sheaf::schema_poset_member::row_dof_descriptors(), sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_read_accessible(), and sheaf::schema_poset_member::table_dof_descriptors().

◆ deep_size() [65/65]

size_t sheaf::deep_size ( const scoped_index xp,
bool  xinclude_shallow = true 

The deep size of the referenced object of type scoped_index. if xinclude_shallow, add the sizeof xp to the result.

  • result >= 0

Definition at line 146 of file

References sheaf::scoped_index::hub_pod().

◆ dof_tuple_type_from_name()

sheaf::dof_tuple_type sheaf::dof_tuple_type_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

The following if block is crude, but there doesn't seem to be any substantially better way to do it. The language doesn't support iteration over enums and integral values, except compile-time constants, can not be converted to enums, so searching an array of names is as at least as clumsy as this construction. STL maps would be clumsy to initialize.

Definition at line 63 of file

References dof_tuple_type_id().

Referenced by sheaf::sheaf_constants::dof_tuple_type_from_name(), operator>>(), and sheaf::dof_tuple_types_record::transfer_internal_buffer_to_poset().

◆ dof_tuple_type_id()

sheaf::dof_tuple_type sheaf::dof_tuple_type_id ( int  xi)

The dof tuple type associated with int xi; converts int to dof tuple type.

Definition at line 114 of file

References operator<<().

Referenced by dof_tuple_type_from_name(), and sheaf::sheaf_constants::dof_tuple_type_id().

◆ dof_tuple_type_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::dof_tuple_type_to_name ( dof_tuple_type  xdt)

The name of the enumerator xdt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 34 of file

Referenced by sheaf::sheaf_constants::dof_tuple_type_to_name(), and operator<<().

◆ filename_from_cmdline()

std::string sheaf::filename_from_cmdline ( std::string  xargv)

Method to strip any command line down to it's rightmost delimited element . Used in unit test routines.

Definition at line 51 of file

References get_release_tag().

Referenced by check_lps_script_has_run().

◆ get_release_tag()

std::string sheaf::get_release_tag ( )

Returns the CVS branch tag for this codebase. .

Definition at line 81 of file

References isunordered_or_equals(), and RELEASE_TAG.

Referenced by filename_from_cmdline().

◆ invalid_namespace_relative_member_index_pod()

sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type sheaf::invalid_namespace_relative_member_index_pod ( )

The invalid namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type value.

Definition at line 55 of file

References invalid_pod_index(), and is_valid().

◆ invalid_namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod()

sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type sheaf::invalid_namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod ( )

The invalid namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type value.

Definition at line 80 of file

References invalid_pod_index(), and is_valid().

◆ invalid_pod_index()

sheaf::pod_index_type sheaf::invalid_pod_index ( )

The invalid pod index value.

Definition at line 31 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max().

Referenced by sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::add_term(), geometry::d_bin_point_locator< DC, DB >::all_points_at_value(), geometry::cylindrical_point_locator::all_points_at_value(), sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::allocate(), fiber_bundle::base_space_crg_interval::base_space_crg_interval(), fields::base_space_map::base_space_map(), sheaf::interval_set::begin(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::chart_point(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_1d::chart_point_1d(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::chart_point_2d(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::chart_point_3d(), sheaf::crg_interval::crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::point_block_crg_interval::d_cells_space_id(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d_crg_interval::d_cells_space_id(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d_crg_interval::d_cells_space_id(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d_crg_interval::d_cells_space_id(), fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block_crg_interval::d_cells_space_id(), sheaf::implicit_index_space_iterator::detach(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::detach(), sheaf::interval_set::end(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::family_scope(), sheaf::index_space_interval::family_scope(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::forwarding_index_space_handle(), fiber_bundle::binary_section_space_schema_member::get_ext_ids(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::get_ext_ids(), sheaf::schema_poset_member::get_ext_ids(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::depth_first_iterator::greater_index(), sheaf::depth_first_itr< T >::greater_index(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::greatest_jem(), fiber_bundle::homogeneous_block_crg_interval::homogeneous_block_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_crg_range::implicit_first_cover_member(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map< E, I >::implicit_interval(), sheaf::name_multimap::index(), sheaf::index_equivalence_iterator::index_equivalence_iterator(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::interval_begin(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::interval_end(), invalid_namespace_relative_member_index_pod(), invalid_namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod(), sheaf::scoped_index::invalid_pod(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::invalidate(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::invalidate_extrema(), sheaf::index_space_iterator::invalidate_ids(), sheaf::interval_index_space_iterator::invalidate_interval_ids(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::is_factorable(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::is_new_member_available(), is_valid(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::local_scope(), sheaf::index_space_interval::local_scope(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_rep_gather(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_rep_remove_interval(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_value(), sheaf::poset_crg_state::member_dof_tuple_id(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::namespace_poset_dof_map(), fiber_bundle::base_space_poset::new_member(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map_iterator< E, I >::next(), sheaf::interval_set_iterator::next(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::next(), sheaf::interval_set_iterator::next_interval(), operator<<(), sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::operator[](), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::pool(), sheaf::poset_bounds_descriptor::poset_bounds_descriptor(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::poset_prereq_id(), sheaf::primitives_poset_schema::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::at1_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_at1_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::at0_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::gln_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_rep_descriptor_poset::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::jcb_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_at0_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_jcb_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::vd_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::tp_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::sec_tp_space::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::prereq_id(), sheaf::namespace_poset::prereq_id(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::prereq_id(), fiber_bundle::unstructured_block_builder::put_name_mode(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::put_poset_prereq_id(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::remove_term(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::reserved_primary_index_space_state(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map_iterator< E, I >::reset(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::reset(), fiber_bundle::section_iteration_state::section_iteration_state(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::section_space_schema_member(), sheaf::sum_index_space_state::sum_index_space_state(), sheaf::storage_agent::transaction::transaction(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::unstructured_block_builder::unstructured_block_builder(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_state::update_extrema(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::update_extrema(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::update_gathered_id_space(), and fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block_crg_interval::zone_nodes_block_crg_interval().

◆ is_namespace_member_index()

bool sheaf::is_namespace_member_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 136 of file

Referenced by namespace_member_index_from_index(), and namespace_member_index_to_name().

◆ is_namespace_schema_member_index()

bool sheaf::is_namespace_schema_member_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 146 of file

Referenced by namespace_schema_member_index_from_index(), and namespace_schema_member_index_to_name().

◆ is_primitive_index()

◆ is_primitives_schema_member_index()

bool sheaf::is_primitives_schema_member_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 134 of file

Referenced by primitives_schema_member_index_from_index(), and primitives_schema_member_index_to_name().

◆ is_standard_dof_tuple_index()

bool sheaf::is_standard_dof_tuple_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 130 of file

Referenced by standard_dof_tuple_index_from_index(), and standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name().

◆ is_standard_member_index()

bool sheaf::is_standard_member_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 132 of file

Referenced by standard_member_index_from_index(), and standard_member_index_to_name().

◆ is_standard_subposet_index()

bool sheaf::is_standard_subposet_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 138 of file

Referenced by standard_subposet_index_from_index(), and standard_subposet_index_to_name().

◆ is_standard_version_index()

bool sheaf::is_standard_version_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

True if xindex is a valid primitive index.

Definition at line 134 of file

Referenced by standard_version_index_from_index(), and standard_version_index_to_name().

◆ is_valid()

bool sheaf::is_valid ( sheaf::pod_index_type  xpod_index)

True if an only if xpod_index is valid.

Definition at line 37 of file

References invalid_pod_index().

Referenced by sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::allocate(), sheaf::partial_poset_member::attach_handle_data_members(), sheaf::array_index_space_iterator::attach_to(), sheaf::list_index_space_iterator::attach_to(), sheaf::hash_index_space_iterator::attach_to(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_iterator::attach_to(), sheaf::interval_index_space_iterator::attach_to(), sheaf::interval_set::begin(), fiber_bundle::binary_section_space_schema_member::binary_section_space_schema_member(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_1d::chart_point_1d(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::chart_point_2d(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::chart_point_3d(), sheaf::namespace_poset::clear(), sheaf::index_space_family::contains(), fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_index_space_interval::contains(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::contains(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::contains(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::contains(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::contains(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::contains(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::contains(), sheaf::schema_poset_member::contains_dof(), sheaf::subposet::contains_member(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::contains_member(), fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_index_space_interval::contains_unglued_hub(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::contains_unglued_hub(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::contains_unglued_hub(), sheaf::poset_scaffold::convert_record_id_to_member_id(), sheaf::poset_scaffold::convert_record_id_to_subposet_id(), sheaf::poset_crg_state::cover_id_space_id(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::cover_id_space_id(), sheaf::index_equivalence_iterator::ct(), geometry::d_bounding_box< DC, DB >::d_bounding_box(), fields::field_vd::delete_field_spaces(), fields::field_factory::delete_field_spaces(), fiber_bundle::homogeneous_block_crg_interval::dof_tuple_id(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::dof_tuple_id(), fields::field_vd::embed_property(), sheaf::interval_set::end(), sheaf::member_record::externalize(), sheaf::index_space_collection::family_scope(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::family_scope(), sheaf::index_space_interval::family_scope(), sheaf::dof_tuple_record_set::get_internal_record(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_handle::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_collection::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family::glued_hub_pod(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::greatest_jem(), sheaf::index_space_handle::hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_collection::hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family::hub_pod(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map< E, I >::implicit_interval(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::includes_subposet(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::index(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::index(), sheaf::index_space_family::index(), sheaf::name_multimap::index(), sheaf::index_equivalence_class::index_equivalence_class(), sheaf::index_equivalence_iterator::index_equivalence_iterator(), sheaf::primitives_poset_dof_map::init_row_dof_map(), sheaf::poset_dof_map::init_row_dof_map(), sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_state::insert(), sheaf::scattered_insertion_index_space_handle::insert(), fiber_bundle::base_space_poset::insert_interval_in_standard_subposets(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::insert_map_interval(), sheaf::member_record_set::internalize(), sheaf::interval_index_space_handle::interval_begin(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::interval_begin(), sheaf::interval_index_space_handle::interval_end(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::interval_end(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::invalid_entry_ct(), invalid_namespace_relative_member_index_pod(), invalid_namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::invalidate(), sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index::invalidate(), sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index::invalidate(), sheaf::namespace_relative_record_index::invalidate(), sheaf::scoped_index::invalidate(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::invalidate_extrema(), sheaf::index_equivalence_iterator::invariant(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map< E, I >::invariant(), sheaf::index_space_iterator::invariant(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::invariant(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::invariant(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d_crg_interval::invariant(), fiber_bundle::point_block_crg_interval::invariant(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d_crg_interval::invariant(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::invariant(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d_crg_interval::invariant(), sheaf::index_space_handle::invariant(), fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block_crg_interval::invariant(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::invariant(), sheaf::namespace_poset::invariant(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::invariant(), sheaf::implicit_index_space_iterator::is_attached(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::is_attached(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map_iterator< E, I >::is_done(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::is_done(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::is_external(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::is_factorable(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::is_jim(), sheaf::depth_first_iterator::is_maximal(), sheaf::depth_first_itr< T >::is_maximal(), fiber_bundle::discretization_iterator::is_multivalued(), sheaf::subposet_state::is_terminated(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::is_valid(), sheaf::poset_component::is_valid_name(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::is_valid_reserved_id(), fiber_bundle::fiber_bundles_namespace::link_poset(), sheaf::namespace_poset::link_poset(), sheaf::index_space_collection::local_scope(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::local_scope(), sheaf::index_space_interval::local_scope(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::map_rep_gather(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_rep_gather(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_rep_remove_interval(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::map_value(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::member_dof_tuple_id(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::member_id(), sheaf::member_record::member_record(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::namespace_poset_dof_map(), sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index::namespace_relative_member_index(), sheaf::namespace_relative_record_index::namespace_relative_record_index(), sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index::namespace_relative_subposet_index(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::new_id(), sheaf::refinable_poset::new_member(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::new_member(), sheaf::poset_crg_state::new_member_interval(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::new_member_interval(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map_iterator< E, I >::next(), fiber_bundle::eval_iterator::next(), sheaf::array_implicit_index_space_iterator::next(), sheaf::ragged_array_implicit_index_space_iterator::next(), sheaf::array_index_space_iterator::next(), sheaf::interval_index_space_iterator::next_interval(), sheaf::scoped_index::operator++(), sheaf::scoped_index::operator--(), sheaf::scoped_index::operator<<(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::operator=(), sheaf::pool< T, EXTENSION_FACTOR >::operator[](), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::pod(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::index_space_handle::pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::pod(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::index_space_collection::pod(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::pod(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::pod(), sheaf::index_space_family::pod(), sheaf::poset_bounds_descriptor::poset_bounds_descriptor(), sheaf::poset_dof_map::poset_dof_map(), sheaf::primitives_poset_dof_map::primitives_poset_dof_map(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_state::push(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle::push(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::put_dof_tuple_id(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::put_member_dof_tuple_id(), fiber_bundle::unstructured_block_builder::put_name_mode(), sheaf::namespace_relative_member_index::put_pod(), sheaf::namespace_relative_subposet_index::put_pod(), sheaf::namespace_relative_record_index::put_pod(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::put_poset_prereq_id(), sheaf::storage_agent::read_prerequisites(), sheaf::record::record(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_state::remove(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle::remove(), sheaf::implicit_entry_map< E, I >::remove_explicit_entry(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_state::remove_hub(), sheaf::gathered_insertion_index_space_handle::remove_hub(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::remove_term(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_state::reserved_primary_index_space_state(), sheaf::index_equivalence_iterator::reset(), sheaf::array_implicit_index_space_iterator::reset(), sheaf::ragged_array_implicit_index_space_iterator::reset(), sheaf::array_index_space_iterator::reset(), sheaf::reserved_primary_index_space_iterator::reset(), sheaf::interval_index_space_iterator::reset(), sheaf::scoped_index::scoped_index(), fiber_bundle::section_dof_map::section_dof_map(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::section_space_schema_member(), sheaf::sheaves_namespace::sheaves_namespace(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::singleton_index_space_state(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::subposet_id(), sheaf::sum_index_space_handle::term_id(), sheaf::sum_index_space_state::term_id(), sheaf::storage_agent::transaction::transaction(), sheaf::table_dof_tuple_record::transfer_poset_to_internal_buffer(), sheaf::primitives_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::forwarding_index_space_handle::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::offset_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_handle::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_handle::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_collection::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::primary_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family_iterator::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_collection::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_jims_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_interval_iterator::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::singleton_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::constant_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::i_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::explicit_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::ragged_array_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::i_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::hash_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::list_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::index_space_family::unglued_hub_pod(), sheaf::interval_index_space_state::update_extrema(), sheaf::array_index_space_state::update_extrema_after_remove(), sheaf::primary_sum_index_space_state::update_gathered_id_space(), sheaf::interval_index_space_iterator::update_interval_ids(), sheaf::variable_length_record::variable_length_record(), sheaf::storage_agent::write_prerequisites(), sheaf::attributes_record_set::write_toc_bounds_attribute(), fiber_bundle::base_space_crg_interval::~base_space_crg_interval(), sheaf::explicit_crg_interval::~explicit_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::homogeneous_block_crg_interval::~homogeneous_block_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::point_block_crg_interval::~point_block_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_1d_crg_interval::~structured_block_1d_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_2d_crg_interval::~structured_block_2d_crg_interval(), fiber_bundle::structured_block_3d_crg_interval::~structured_block_3d_crg_interval(), and fiber_bundle::zone_nodes_block_crg_interval::~zone_nodes_block_crg_interval().

◆ isunordered_or_equals() [1/3]

bool sheaf::isunordered_or_equals ( float  x1,
float  x2 

True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2.

Definition at line 102 of file

Referenced by fiber_bundle::at2_e2_lite::at2_e2_lite(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::chart_point_3d(), fiber_bundle::e1_lite::e1_lite(), fiber_bundle::e2_lite::e2_lite(), fiber_bundle::e3_lite::e3_lite(), fiber_bundle::e4_lite::e4_lite(), get_release_tag(), isunordered_or_equals(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13_lite::jcb_e13_lite(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23_lite::jcb_e23_lite(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33_lite::jcb_e33_lite(), fiber_bundle::met_e1_lite::met_e1_lite(), fiber_bundle::met_e2_lite::met_e2_lite(), fiber_bundle::met_e3_lite::met_e3_lite(), fiber_bundle::met_e1_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::operator=(), fiber_bundle::met_e1::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e1::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at0::operator=(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::put(), fiber_bundle::st3_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::st4_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at3_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t2_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::st2_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at2_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::jcb_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t3_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t4_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::e1_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::gln_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::met_e1_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at0_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at3::put_component(), fiber_bundle::at2::put_component(), fiber_bundle::st2::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t3::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t4::put_component(), fiber_bundle::t2::put_component(), fiber_bundle::st3::put_component(), fiber_bundle::st4::put_component(), fiber_bundle::jcb::put_component(), fiber_bundle::gln::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), fiber_bundle::e1::put_component(), fiber_bundle::e2_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::e4_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::met_e2_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::met_e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3_lite::put_components(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st3_e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::put_components(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13::put_components(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2::put_components(), fiber_bundle::e2::put_components(), fiber_bundle::e4::put_components(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2::put_components(), fiber_bundle::e3::put_components(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_1d::put_local_coord(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::put_local_coord(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::put_local_coord(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::put_local_coord(), fiber_bundle::chart_point::put_local_coords(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2_lite::t2_e2_lite(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::u(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_1d::u(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::u(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::v(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::v(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_3d::w(), fiber_bundle::chart_point_1d::~chart_point_1d(), and fiber_bundle::chart_point_2d::~chart_point_2d().

◆ isunordered_or_equals() [2/3]

bool sheaf::isunordered_or_equals ( double  x1,
double  x2 

True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2.

Definition at line 123 of file

References isunordered_or_equals().

◆ isunordered_or_equals() [3/3]

bool sheaf::isunordered_or_equals ( long double  x1,
long double  x2 

True if isunordered(x1, x2) or x1 == x2.

Definition at line 144 of file

◆ max_pod_index()

sheaf::pod_index_type sheaf::max_pod_index ( )

The maximum pod index value.

Definition at line 43 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::max().

Referenced by sheaf::hash_index_space_state::update_extrema().

◆ min_pod_index()

sheaf::pod_index_type sheaf::min_pod_index ( )

The minimum pod index value.

Definition at line 49 of file

References fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::min().

Referenced by sheaf::hash_index_space_state::update_extrema().

◆ namespace_member_index_from_index()

sheaf::namespace_member_index sheaf::namespace_member_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 105 of file

References is_namespace_member_index().

Referenced by namespace_member_index_from_name().

◆ namespace_member_index_from_name()

sheaf::namespace_member_index sheaf::namespace_member_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

Definition at line 85 of file

References namespace_member_index_from_index(), and namespace_member_index_to_name().

Referenced by namespace_member_index_to_name().

◆ namespace_member_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::namespace_member_index_to_name ( namespace_member_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_namespace_member_index(), and namespace_member_index_from_name().

Referenced by namespace_member_index_from_name(), and operator++().

◆ namespace_schema_member_index_from_index()

sheaf::namespace_schema_member_index sheaf::namespace_schema_member_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 110 of file

References is_namespace_schema_member_index().

Referenced by namespace_schema_member_index_from_name().

◆ namespace_schema_member_index_from_name()

sheaf::namespace_schema_member_index sheaf::namespace_schema_member_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

◆ namespace_schema_member_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::namespace_schema_member_index_to_name ( namespace_schema_member_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_namespace_schema_member_index(), and namespace_schema_member_index_from_name().

Referenced by namespace_schema_member_index_from_name(), and operator++().

◆ operator++() [1/8]

Prefix increment operator for standard_member_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References standard_member_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [2/8]

Prefix increment operator for standard_version_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References standard_version_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [3/8]

Prefix increment operator for namespace_member_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References namespace_member_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [4/8]

Prefix increment operator for primitives_schema_member_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References primitives_schema_member_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [5/8]

Prefix increment operator for standard_subposet_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References standard_subposet_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [6/8]

Prefix increment operator for standard_dof_tuple_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [7/8]

Prefix increment operator for namespace_schema_member_index.

Definition at line 37 of file

References namespace_schema_member_index_to_name().

◆ operator++() [8/8]

sheaf::primitive_type & sheaf::operator++ ( primitive_type x)

Prefix increment operator for primitive_type.

Definition at line 49 of file

References is_primitive_index().

◆ operator<<() [1/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const list_index_space_handle xi 

◆ operator<<() [2/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const arg_list p 

Insert arg_list p into ostream os.

Definition at line 777 of file

References sheaf::arg_list::ct(), and operator>>().

◆ operator<<() [3/47]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const factory< T > &  xf 

Inserts factory& xf in stream xos.

Definition at line 247 of file factory.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [4/47]

template<typename T , typename R >
ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( ostream &  os,
const factory_2< T, R > &  xf 

Inserts factory_2& xf in stream xos.

Definition at line 247 of file factory_2.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [5/47]

◆ operator<<() [6/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const crg_interval m 

Insert crg_interval& m into ostream& os.

Definition at line 778 of file

References sheaf::crg_interval::begin(), sheaf::crg_interval::end(), and sheaf::crg_interval::size().

◆ operator<<() [7/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
dof_tuple_type  xdt 

Insert dof_tuple_type xdt into ostream& os.

Definition at line 154 of file

References dof_tuple_type_to_name(), and operator>>().

◆ operator<<() [8/47]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const block< T > &  xblk 

Inserts block xblk into ostream xos.

Definition at line 168 of file block.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [9/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xpod 

Inserts namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xpod into ostream xos.

Definition at line 105 of file

◆ operator<<() [10/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const primitive_type xpt 

Insert primitive_type xpt into ostream& os.

Definition at line 78 of file

References operator>>().

◆ operator<<() [11/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const rc_any rc 

Insert rc_any rc into ostream os.

Definition at line 176 of file

References sheaf::rc_any::is_shared(), and sheaf::rc_any::ref_ct().

◆ operator<<() [12/47]

◆ operator<<() [13/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const primitive_descriptor xpd 

Insert primitive_descriptor into ostream& os.

Definition at line 125 of file

◆ operator<<() [14/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xpod 

Inserts namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xpod into ostream xos.

Definition at line 153 of file

◆ operator<<() [15/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const schema_descriptor xsd 

◆ operator<<() [16/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const error_message xmsg 

Inserts error message xmsg into ostream xos.

Definition at line 289 of file

References sheaf::error_message::level(), sheaf::error_message::source(), and sheaf::error_message::text().

◆ operator<<() [17/47]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const ptr_linked_pool< T > &  xp 

Insert ptr_linked_pool<T>& xp into ostream& xos.

Definition at line 346 of file ptr_linked_pool.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [18/47]

◆ operator<<() [19/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const id_block xblk 

Inserts block xblk into ostream xos.


Definition at line 384 of file

References sheaf::id_block::host(), sheaf::id_block::id_space(), sheaf::index_space_handle::name(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::name(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_read_accessible().

◆ operator<<() [20/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const dof_descriptor_array::dof_descriptor p 

Insert dof_descriptor_array::dof_descriptor& p into ostream& os.

Definition at line 148 of file

References deep_size(), and sheaf::primitive_attributes::name().

◆ operator<<() [21/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
stop_watch xsw 

Inserts lap times for stop_watch xsw into ostream xos.

Definition at line 269 of file

References sheaf::stop_watch::lap_ct(), and sheaf::stop_watch::lap_time().

◆ operator<<() [22/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
report xreport 

◆ operator<<() [23/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const int_set c 

Insert int_set& c into ostream& os.

Definition at line 576 of file

◆ operator<<() [24/47]

template<class T >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const binary_index_block< T > &  xblk 

Inserts block xblk into ostream xos.

Definition at line 565 of file binary_index_block.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [25/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const namespace_relative_subposet_index xindex 

◆ operator<<() [26/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const namespace_relative_member_index xindex 

◆ operator<<() [27/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const index_space_interval xn 

◆ operator<<() [28/47]

template<typename T >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const ragged_array< T > &  xra 

Inserts ragged_array xra into ostream xos.

Definition at line 743 of file ragged_array.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [29/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const interval_set xset 

◆ operator<<() [30/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
subposet_state s 

◆ operator<<() [31/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const poset_table_state p 

Insert poset_table_state& p into ostream& os.

Definition at line 907 of file

References deep_size(), and sheaf::poset_table_state::id_spaces().

◆ operator<<() [32/47]

ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const name_multimap xm 

Insert name_multimap xm into ostream xos.

Definition at line 742 of file

References deep_size(), and sheaf::name_multimap::print().

◆ operator<<() [33/47]

template<typename T , typename S >
std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const auto_block< T, S > &  xblk 

Inserts auto_block xblk into ostream xos.

Definition at line 784 of file auto_block.impl.h.

◆ operator<<() [34/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const poset_path pp 

Insert poset_path& pp into ostream& os.

Definition at line 1321 of file

References operator==(), and sheaf::poset_path::path().

◆ operator<<() [35/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const arg_list::arg_type p 

◆ operator<<() [36/47]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const poset_dof_map p 

Insert poset_dof_map& p into ostream& os.

Definition at line 1442 of file

References sheaf::poset_dof_map::to_string().

◆ operator<<() [37/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
zn_to_bool zn 

Insert zn_to_bool& zn into ostream& os.

Definition at line 1351 of file

References sheaf::zn_to_bool::ub().

◆ operator<<() [38/47]

◆ operator<<() [39/47]

◆ operator<<() [40/47]

◆ operator<<() [41/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const primitive_value xpv 

Inserts primitive_value xpv into ostream xos.

Definition at line 1593 of file

References deep_size(), and sheaf::primitive_value::to_string().

◆ operator<<() [42/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const namespace_poset p 

◆ operator<<() [43/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const subposet s 

Insert subposet& s into ostream& os.

  • xs.is_attached() ? xs.state_is_read_accessible() : true

Definition at line 3028 of file

References deep_size(), sheaf::poset_component::host(), sheaf::poset_component::index(), sheaf::poset_component::is_attached(), sheaf::subposet::members(), sheaf::subposet::name(), and sheaf::read_write_monitor_handle::state_is_read_accessible().

◆ operator<<() [44/47]

◆ operator<<() [45/47]

◆ operator<<() [46/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const abstract_poset_member p 
  • p != 0
when we've found the calls to this routine, remove it.

Definition at line 5007 of file

◆ operator<<() [47/47]

std::ostream & sheaf::operator<< ( std::ostream &  xos,
const scoped_index xid 

Inserts xid into ostream xos.

Definition at line 121 of file

References invalid_pod_index(), sheaf::scoped_index::is_scoped(), sheaf::scoped_index::pod(), and sheaf::scoped_index::scope_id().

◆ operator==() [1/52]

◆ operator==() [2/52]

template<typename T >
bool sheaf::operator== ( const block< T > &  xblk1,
const block< T > &  xblk2 

◆ operator==() [3/52]

template<typename T , typename S >
bool sheaf::operator== ( const auto_block< T, S > &  xblk1,
const auto_block< T, S > &  xblk2 

Equality operator; true if xblk1 equals xblk2.

Definition at line 759 of file auto_block.impl.h.

References sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::ct(), and sheaf::auto_block< T, S >::ub().

◆ operator==() [4/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const poset_path xpath,
const primitive_value xprim 

True if and only if xpath.path() == xprim.value().c_string_primitive.

  • == C_STRING

Definition at line 1330 of file

References sheaf::primitive_value::id(), operator==(), sheaf::poset_path::path(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [5/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xprim,
const poset_path xpath 

True if and only if xpath.path() == xprim.value().c_string_primitive.

  • == C_STRING

Definition at line 1338 of file

References deep_size(), sheaf::primitive_value::id(), sheaf::poset_path::path(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [6/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv1,
const primitive_value xpv2 

Comparison of xpv1 to xpv2.

Definition at line 1187 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [7/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const void *  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1270 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [8/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const void *  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1277 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [9/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const char *  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1284 of file

References operator==(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [10/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const char *  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1291 of file

References operator==(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [11/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const std::string &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1298 of file

References operator==(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [12/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const std::string &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1305 of file

References operator==(), and sheaf::primitive_value::value().

◆ operator==() [13/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const scoped_index xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1312 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [14/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const scoped_index xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1319 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [15/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const namespace_relative_member_index xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1326 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [16/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const namespace_relative_member_index xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1333 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [17/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const namespace_relative_subposet_index xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1340 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [18/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const namespace_relative_subposet_index xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1347 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [19/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const bool &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1354 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [20/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const bool &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1361 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [21/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const char &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1368 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [22/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const char &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1375 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [23/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const signed char &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1382 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [24/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const signed char &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1389 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [25/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const short int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1396 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [26/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const short int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1403 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [27/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1410 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [28/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1417 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [29/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const long int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1424 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [30/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const long int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1431 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [31/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const long long int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1438 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [32/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const long long int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1445 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [33/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const unsigned char &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1452 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [34/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const unsigned char &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1459 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [35/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const unsigned short int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1466 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [36/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const unsigned short int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1473 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [37/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const unsigned int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1480 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [38/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const unsigned int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1487 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [39/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const unsigned long int &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1494 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [40/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const unsigned long int &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1501 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [41/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const unsigned long long &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1508 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [42/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const unsigned long long &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1515 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [43/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const float &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1522 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [44/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const float &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1529 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [45/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const double &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1536 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [46/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const double &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1543 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [47/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const long double &  xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1550 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [48/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const long double &  xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1557 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [49/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1564 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [50/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1571 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [51/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const primitive_value xpv,
const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xval 

Comparison of xpv to xval.

Definition at line 1578 of file

References operator==().

◆ operator==() [52/52]

bool sheaf::operator== ( const namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xval,
const primitive_value xpv 

Comparison of xval to xpv.

Definition at line 1585 of file

References operator<<().

◆ operator>>() [1/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
arg_list p 

Extract arg_list p from istream is.

Definition at line 804 of file

References sheaf::arg_list::arg_type::name, and operator<<().

◆ operator>>() [2/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
dof_tuple_type xdt 

Extract dof_tuple_type xdt from istream& is.

Definition at line 174 of file

References dof_tuple_type_from_name().

Referenced by operator<<().

◆ operator>>() [3/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  xis,
namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xindex 

Extracts namespace_relative_member_index_pod_type xpod from istream xis.

Definition at line 112 of file

◆ operator>>() [4/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
primitive_type xpt 

Extract primitive_type xpt from istream& is.

Definition at line 98 of file

References operator<<().

◆ operator>>() [5/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  xis,
namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xindex 

Extracts namespace_relative_subposet_index_pod_type xpod from istream xis.

Definition at line 160 of file

◆ operator>>() [6/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  is,
schema_descriptor xsd 

◆ operator>>() [7/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  xis,
namespace_relative_subposet_index xindex 

◆ operator>>() [8/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  xis,
namespace_relative_member_index xindex 

◆ operator>>() [9/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  os,
arg_list::arg_type p 

Extract arg_list::arg_type& p from istream& os.

  • !
  • is_primitive_index(p.type()) || || !is

Definition at line 852 of file

References deep_size(), sheaf::primitive_value::from_string(), sheaf::primitive_value::id(), is_primitive_index(), sheaf::arg_list::arg_type::name, sheaf::arg_list::arg_type::type(), and sheaf::arg_list::arg_type::value.

◆ operator>>() [10/10]

std::istream & sheaf::operator>> ( std::istream &  xis,
scoped_index xid 

Extracts xid from istream xis.

Definition at line 136 of file

References sheaf::scoped_index::put_pod().

◆ ordinal() [1/2]

◆ ordinal() [2/2]

pod_index_type sheaf::ordinal ( pod_index_type  x0,
pod_index_type  x1,
pod_index_type  x2,
pod_index_type  x1_end,
pod_index_type  x2_end 

3-tuple to ordinal conversion.

Definition at line 230 of file ijk_product_structure.h.

◆ poset_type_id()

sheaf::poset_type sheaf::poset_type_id ( int  xi)

The poset type associated with int xi; converts int to poset type.

Definition at line 32 of file

Referenced by sheaf::namespace_poset_member::clone(), sheaf::sheaf_constants::poset_type_id(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::poset_type_id(), and sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::type_id().

◆ post_there_exists_failed()

void sheaf::post_there_exists_failed ( const char *  xcond_msg,
int  xi,
const char *  xi_msg,
int  xmin,
int  xub,
const char *  xfunction_name,
const char *  xfile,
int  xline 

Throws exception for existential quantification failure.

Definition at line 213 of file

References post_unimplemented().

Referenced by check_contract().

◆ post_unimplemented()

void sheaf::post_unimplemented ( const char *  xcond_msg,
const char *  xfunction_name,
const char *  xfile,
int  xline 

Throws exception for attempt to invoke is_abstract or not implemented.

Definition at line 246 of file

Referenced by post_there_exists_failed().

◆ primitives_schema_member_index_from_index()

sheaf::primitives_schema_member_index sheaf::primitives_schema_member_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 104 of file

References is_primitives_schema_member_index().

Referenced by primitives_schema_member_index_from_name().

◆ primitives_schema_member_index_from_name()

sheaf::primitives_schema_member_index sheaf::primitives_schema_member_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

◆ primitives_schema_member_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::primitives_schema_member_index_to_name ( primitives_schema_member_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_primitives_schema_member_index(), and primitives_schema_member_index_from_name().

Referenced by operator++(), and primitives_schema_member_index_from_name().

◆ r_eql() [1/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::r_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1 

Relative equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance float_tolerance.

Definition at line 99 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

Referenced by fiber_bundle::vd_algebra::r_eql().

◆ r_eql() [2/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::r_eql ( float  xf0,
float  xf1,
float  xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of float xf0 to float xf1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 107 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ r_eql() [3/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::r_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1 

Relative equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance double_tolerance.

Definition at line 189 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ r_eql() [4/4]

SHEAF_DLL_SPEC bool sheaf::r_eql ( double  xd0,
double  xd1,
double  xtolerance 

Relative equality comparison of double xd0 to double xd1 using tolerance xtolerance.

Definition at line 197 of file tolerance_comparison.h.

◆ row_dofs() [1/4]

template<typename T >
T::row_dofs_type & sheaf::row_dofs ( T &  x0)

The row dofs pod type for x0 (mutable version).


Definition at line 130 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

Referenced by fiber_bundle::st3_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::t4_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::e1_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::met_e1_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::t3_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::e4_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::at0_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::t4_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::met_e2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::gl2_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::met_e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::e3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::gl3_lite::clone(), fiber_bundle::gln_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::at0_lite::component(), fiber_bundle::gln::component(), fiber_bundle::vd::component(), fiber_bundle::any_lite::disable_invariance_check_request_depth(), fiber_bundle::atp::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::stp::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::jcb_ed::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t4::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::ed::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::met::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::met_ed::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at1::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st4::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::jcb::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::tp::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t4_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t3_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st3_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::met_e1::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::e1::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t4_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::e4::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::vd::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at0::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::met_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::met_e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::e3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::gl2::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::gl3::lite_type(), fiber_bundle::fiber_bundles_namespace::make_base_space_schema_poset(), fiber_bundle::fiber_bundles_namespace::make_fiber_space_schema_poset(), fiber_bundle::fiber_bundles_namespace::make_sec_rep_descriptor_schema_poset(), fiber_bundle::fiber_bundles_namespace::make_section_space_schema_schema_poset(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::name(), fiber_bundle::t4_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st3_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e1::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t3_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at0::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t4_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::gl2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e1::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e4::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::gl3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e3::operator const row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t4_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st3_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e1::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t3_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at0::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t4_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e33::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e13::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::gl2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::met_e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e1::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e4::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::gl3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e3::operator row_dofs_type &(), fiber_bundle::e4_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e1_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e2_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e3_lite::operator=(), fiber_bundle::st3_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at3_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::st4_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::st4_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::t4_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::met_e1::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e1::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::t3_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::st2_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e4::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at2_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::at2_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::jcb_e23::operator=(), fiber_bundle::met_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::t4_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::st2_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::met_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::t2_e2::operator=(), fiber_bundle::t2_e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::e3::operator=(), fiber_bundle::gln_lite::operator[](), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::operator[](), fiber_bundle::gln::operator[](), fiber_bundle::vd::operator[](), fields::field_vd::property_at_coordinates(), fiber_bundle::gln_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd_lite::put_component(), fiber_bundle::gln::put_component(), fiber_bundle::vd::put_component(), and sheaf::abstract_poset_member::row_dofs().

◆ row_dofs() [2/4]

template<typename T >
const T::row_dofs_type & sheaf::row_dofs ( const T &  x0)

The row dofs pod type for x0 (const version).


Definition at line 152 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ row_dofs() [3/4]

template<typename T >
T::row_dofs_type & sheaf::row_dofs ( T &  x0,
bool  xauto_access 

The row dofs pod type for x0 (mutable auto-access version).

  • precondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • precondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))

Definition at line 174 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ row_dofs() [4/4]

template<typename T >
const T::row_dofs_type & sheaf::row_dofs ( const T &  x0,
bool  xauto_access 

The row dofs pod type for x0 (const auto-access version).

  • precondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • precondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.row_dofs(xauto_access))

Definition at line 196 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ standard_dof_tuple_index_from_index()

sheaf::standard_dof_tuple_index sheaf::standard_dof_tuple_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 102 of file

References is_standard_dof_tuple_index().

Referenced by standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name().

◆ standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name()

sheaf::standard_dof_tuple_index sheaf::standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

Definition at line 82 of file

References standard_dof_tuple_index_from_index(), and standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name().

Referenced by standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name().

◆ standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::standard_dof_tuple_index_to_name ( standard_dof_tuple_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_standard_dof_tuple_index(), and standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name().

Referenced by operator++(), and standard_dof_tuple_index_from_name().

◆ standard_member_index_from_index()

sheaf::standard_member_index sheaf::standard_member_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 103 of file

References is_standard_member_index().

Referenced by standard_member_index_from_name().

◆ standard_member_index_from_name()

sheaf::standard_member_index sheaf::standard_member_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

Definition at line 83 of file

References standard_member_index_from_index(), and standard_member_index_to_name().

Referenced by standard_member_index_to_name().

◆ standard_member_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::standard_member_index_to_name ( standard_member_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_standard_member_index(), and standard_member_index_from_name().

Referenced by operator++(), and standard_member_index_from_name().

◆ standard_subposet_index_from_index()

sheaf::standard_subposet_index sheaf::standard_subposet_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 106 of file

References is_standard_subposet_index(), and WHOLE_INDEX.

Referenced by standard_subposet_index_from_name().

◆ standard_subposet_index_from_name()

sheaf::standard_subposet_index sheaf::standard_subposet_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

Definition at line 86 of file

References standard_subposet_index_from_index(), and standard_subposet_index_to_name().

Referenced by standard_subposet_index_to_name().

◆ standard_subposet_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::standard_subposet_index_to_name ( standard_subposet_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_standard_subposet_index(), and standard_subposet_index_from_name().

Referenced by operator++(), and standard_subposet_index_from_name().

◆ standard_version_index_from_index()

sheaf::standard_version_index sheaf::standard_version_index_from_index ( pod_index_type  xindex)

The enumerator corresponding to primitive index xindex.

Definition at line 104 of file

References is_standard_version_index().

Referenced by standard_version_index_from_name().

◆ standard_version_index_from_name()

sheaf::standard_version_index sheaf::standard_version_index_from_name ( const std::string &  xname)

The enumerator with name xname.

Definition at line 84 of file

References standard_version_index_from_index(), and standard_version_index_to_name().

Referenced by standard_version_index_to_name().

◆ standard_version_index_to_name()

const std::string & sheaf::standard_version_index_to_name ( standard_version_index  xpt)

The name of the enumerator xpt.

  • !result.empty()

Definition at line 48 of file

References is_standard_version_index(), and standard_version_index_from_name().

Referenced by operator++(), and standard_version_index_from_name().

◆ table_dofs() [1/4]

template<typename T >
T::table_dofs_type & sheaf::table_dofs ( T &  x0)

The table dofs pod type for x0 (mutable version).


Definition at line 42 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

Referenced by fiber_bundle::sec_rep_descriptor_poset::attach_handle_data_members(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::attach_handle_data_members(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::base_space_path(), fiber_bundle::vd_space::d(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_space::d(), fiber_bundle::vd::d(), fiber_bundle::jcb_space::dd(), fiber_bundle::sec_tp_space::dd(), fiber_bundle::sec_jcb_space::dd(), fiber_bundle::tp_space::dd(), fiber_bundle::tp::dd(), fiber_bundle::jcb_space::domain_path(), fiber_bundle::sec_jcb_space::domain_path(), fiber_bundle::jcb_space::dr(), fiber_bundle::sec_jcb_space::dr(), fiber_bundle::tuple_space::factor_ct(), fiber_bundle::sec_tuple_space::factor_ct(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::fiber_space_path(), fiber_bundle::sec_rep_descriptor_poset::initialize_handle_data_members(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::initialize_handle_data_members(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::initialize_table_dof_subposet(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::initialize_table_dofs(), sheaf::poset_table_state::invariant(), fiber_bundle::gln_space::n(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::name(), fiber_bundle::sec_tp_space::p(), fiber_bundle::tp_space::p(), fiber_bundle::tp::p(), fiber_bundle::jcb_space::range_path(), fiber_bundle::sec_jcb_space::range_path(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::rep_path(), fiber_bundle::vd_space::scalar_space_path(), fiber_bundle::gln_space::scalar_space_path(), fiber_bundle::sec_vd_space::scalar_space_path(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::table_dofs(), sheaf::poset_state_handle::table_dofs(), fiber_bundle::gln_space::vector_space_path(), fiber_bundle::sec_tp_space::vector_space_path(), fiber_bundle::tp_space::vector_space_path(), and fiber_bundle::tp::vector_space_path().

◆ table_dofs() [2/4]

template<typename T >
const T::table_dofs_type & sheaf::table_dofs ( const T &  x0)

The table dofs pod type for x0 (const version).


Definition at line 64 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ table_dofs() [3/4]

template<typename T >
T::table_dofs_type & sheaf::table_dofs ( T &  x0,
bool  xauto_access 

The table dofs pod type for x0 (mutable auto-access version).

  • precondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • precondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))

Definition at line 86 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ table_dofs() [4/4]

template<typename T >
const T::table_dofs_type & sheaf::table_dofs ( const T &  x0,
bool  xauto_access 

The table dofs pod type for x0 (const auto-access version).

  • precondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • precondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))
  • postcondition_of(x0.table_dofs(xauto_access))

Definition at line 108 of file abstract_poset_member.impl.h.

◆ tuple() [1/2]

void sheaf::tuple ( pod_index_type  x,
size_type  xj_ub,
pod_index_type xi,
pod_index_type xj 

Ordinal to 2-tuple conversion.

Definition at line 230 of file ij_product_structure.h.

Referenced by sheaf::abstract_product_structure::abstract_product_structure(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::adjacent_zones(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::adjacent_zones(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::alignment(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::alignment(), fiber_bundle::tuple::clone(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::contains_unglued_hub(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::contains_unglued_hub(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::ct(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::ct(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::dof_tuple(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::get_dof_tuple(), sheaf::primitives_poset_dof_map::get_dof_tuple(), sheaf::array_poset_dof_map::get_dof_tuple(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::offset(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::offset(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::pod(), sheaf::poset_dof_map::put_defaults(), sheaf::namespace_poset_dof_map::put_dof_tuple(), sheaf::primitives_poset_dof_map::put_dof_tuple(), sheaf::array_poset_dof_map::put_dof_tuple(), sheaf::abstract_poset_member::put_dof_tuple(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::size(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::size(), sheaf::ij_product_structure::tuple(), sheaf::ijk_product_structure::tuple(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_poset::tuple(), fiber_bundle::product_section_space_schema_member::type(), fiber_bundle::section_space_schema_member::type(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::unglued_hub_pod(), fiber_bundle::ij_connectivity_index_space_interval::vertex_hub_begin(), fiber_bundle::ijk_connectivity_index_space_interval::vertex_hub_begin(), fiber_bundle::ij_adjacency_index_space_interval::zone_hub_begin(), and fiber_bundle::ijk_adjacency_index_space_interval::zone_hub_begin().
